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Broken Eyeglasses and School Schedules

I had two dreams last night.

My first dream was very short. My glasses were slightly bent, so my mom and aunt wanted to fix them. They ended up making them worse than before, and I was very angry. It was at night in my house.

My second dream was a little longer. I was in my theatre class when the bell rang to go to second. I was gathering up all my things, and realized that I forgot what class I had second period. I looked for my schedule and found two that didn’t belong to me. The first one belonged to a kid that was taking agriculture classes. The second one belonged to a kid in choir, and I remember specifically a quartet class. I finally found my own schedule, but it seemed a bit outdated. I finally remembered that my second period class was U.S. History, and just when I was getting there, the bell rang for third period.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18 in Indiana

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Re: Broken Eyeglasses and School Schedules

I am going to Rook an opportunity to give his impressions of this dream. he did a great job with your last post.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

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Re: Broken Eyeglasses and School Schedules

Hello Michael

I will give my analysis on this subject when I get a little more info via email.

Post soon,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 26 - Perth, Western Australia

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Re: Broken Eyeglasses and School Schedules

In order to give other interpreters a chance to know as much as possible I have posted my response to Rook's e-mail.

First off, is there anything going on in your family environment, any feuding or dramas?
The major drama involving mom is her refusing to quit drinking after saying that she'd slow down because of my sister's pregnancy. My sister is having her child soon, and the father is a deadbeat. The only thing concerning my aunt that'd I'd consider is that she is sometimes late with rent money, but it's not as big as an issue as it is my uncle, who hasn't payed more than a month's worth while living here for a year. But we're not going to kick him out, after all he's family.

Are you currently, or have been working out, what step you will make next in your life in college or work?
I'm planning on quitting my minimum wage job with little chance of progress, for a job at Wal-Mart, which gives me a ton of options along with a steadier paycheck. I've also been checking out colleges that offer a wide range of options in degrees. I know I want to go into journalism, and get some kind of degree in creative writing, but the type of journalism is what I'm not sure about. I've narrowed it down to political or psychological, both of which intrigue me. I kind of disappointed myself after preparing for a job in science to find that I enjoy writing much more.

After sleeping on it, I feel it's important to mention that I live in a rural community with a lot of farms. Therefore, agriculture classes may be more metaphorical. I also enjoy musical theatre, anouther possible metaphor.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18 in Indiana

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Broken Eyeglasses and School Schedules

First dream:

I can see two possible interpretations of this dream.

The first has to do with your family situation. You are not seeing something ‘on the level’, or perhaps your perception of it is bent. The fact that your mother and aunt trying to fix it makes it worse suggests to me that perhaps your view is too strongly from their angle, perhaps you need to take a view of this issue (I am not sure exactly what it is referring to) from a more ‘balanced’ perspective, ie consider both sides.

On a deeper level, this may suggest that what you are seeing / reading in your unconscious (in your dreams) is not being read properly. Your unconscious has tried to fix this, but perhaps the interpretation of this is now worse than before. This will lead to conflict. Perhaps if you have been interpreting one of your own dreams / dream series, you are not getting the message right. Go back and take another look.

The second dream:

I feel this relates to your current position in regards to your career progress. That the first period was ‘theatre’ class suggests to me that you have been acting in a role that was not really you, ie your minimum wage job. You are currently ‘gathering up all your things’ which I see as you analysing what you want to do, where you want to go, especially trying to find YOUR schedule, what you really want to do. The agriculture class and choir/quartet class don’t seem to fit you.

The finally remembering US History does not say to me that you should take this as a career, but that to find where you really want to be you need to look at your past. Look at what you really enjoyed doing in the past and look at making a career of that. As far as I can see this probably relates to what type of journalism you ant to get into.

The final part, the bell ringing for third period when you finally remembered, says to me a) hurry or you may miss your chance, or b) when you have figured this out (it may take a while) you will be ready for the next stage of your journey.

This seems to fit with what you said in your email, at least in the search for what to do educationally/career wise.

Hope that is of some help,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 26 - Perth, Western Australia

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Re: Broken Eyeglasses and School Schedules

Thanks, I kind of had a feeling that this was going to lead into my career choices after answering the questions, but after considering the metaphorical images, I later thought the schedules may actually be telling me of three different parts of me, and after reading your interpretation this fits very well. Ag could be what hits home, or the stuff I'm good at. Music classes may be what I enjoy. And the outdated schedule may be the past. I have a choice to do what I'm good at(science and math,) or what I enjoy(writing.)

As far as the first dream goes, I believe it may be right to say that I don't like my mother, mostly because of her alcoholism.

I think you've done a good job with all of my dreams, and I think Gerard recommended you due to your proximity to my age as well as our past connection in my earlier dreams.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18 in Indiana

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Broken Eyeglasses and School Schedules

Well, if we could look at the first dream and your response, your mother's drinking habits are clearly effecting you.

In response to this what you are seeing is your mother drinking, which is a bent view. Your mother and aunt are not helping you see things any clearer (even though they are trying). You are feeling angry about her drinking.

What I haven't looked at is that it is night time in the house. Perhaps there is something you are 'in the dark' about. Something you don't know? Do you understand / have you tried to understand why she drinks? There are lots of reasons people turn to alcoholism. Do you know your mothers reason?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 26 - Perth, Western Australia

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How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Broken Eyeglasses and School Schedules

I've tried everything to understand why she drinks. I've asked her, and she's never really gave me a good reason. The usually says that it helps her through depression, which is the biggest load of BS since alcohol is a depressant.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18 in Indiana

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Broken Eyeglasses and School Schedules

This is a very delicate subject, and I am probably in way over my head.

All I can see is, you are right. Turning to alcohol is not the best way of dealing with depression, but people do it. Why?

Because it is easy, it is the easy path to drown your sorrows and escape from whatever is causing the depression. I know a great many people who have been there. Its sort of like taking panadol to relieve the pain of a headache, its not solving what is causing the pain, but it keeps you from dealing with it.

I am not qualified to say what is causing the depression, or how to deal with it, but it may be something she does not want to face, and facing the cause of the depression may be extremely difficult.

Rather than fighting against her because of her drinking, perhaps take an approach of supporting her to overcome it?

This is no easy task, and just how to go about it I can not say, having never been in that situation. I can imagine that it will be long, difficult, frustrating and tedious, and I figure you would probably need someone to support you through it as well. Whether or not such an approach is feasible in itself I do not know.

Just some food for thought.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 26 - Perth, Western Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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