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Telephone contact

My mum passed away last year. In my dream, I was due to meet my sister but overslept. I telephoned her to explain why I was late. Her husband answered the phone but before my sister came on the phone, my mum's voice intercepted the call. She asked me how I was and how was work. I replied everything is ok, how are you? I knew she was dead so in my dream I was very frightened and cut the conversation short. I was, at the time very scared and have been spooked by the experience ever since.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 46 UK

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Re: Telephone contact

I feel as if this concerns your relationship with your sister more than your mother. First of all, you overslept and missed a meeting with your sister, and that could be the unconscious telling you that you're not tending to your relationship with your sister as you should. You felt that this deserved an immediate apology, so you called her, but instead got her husband instead. I feel as if her husband is interfering with your relationship.

Your mother then interrupted by asking of all things, "How is work?" My intuition tells me that mother was more about the material than the emotional. You wanted to cut it short, and I think this is probably where your conscious mind got stirred up a bit to tell you: "This isn't right."

I kind of feel as if mother's death may have put a strain on your relationship with your sister, and you both reacted quite differently.

Good dream,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18 in Indiana

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Telephone contact

To follow-up on Michael's suggestions.
I too would look at the dream and its associations with your sister. Were there times when your mother 'interceded' in your life when it came to your relationship with her sister {or her family since her husband answered the phone? Your mother may have been, wen she was alive, concerned about the welfare of the 'relationship', especially on your behalf.

A second possibility. At mid-life dreams tend to be more metaphorical than they would be in the earlier stages of life. Your sister may represent another related part of yourself. Her husband would symbolize masculine aspects that 'answer' the call before your feminine qualities are able to respond. Your mother could represent herself {or even a wiser you, both symbolizing wisdom or maturity}. The focus was on your welfare and your job {work}. Are there conflicts at work where emotional aspects need to be pushed aside and masculine qualities take over {being strong, assertive, demanding, etc.}?

The possibility is the dream could be addressing both issues.

For Michael
You do seem to have a great sense of the dream possibilities. A suggestion. First and foremost, dreams are always about the emotions of the dreamer. Look to that as being the prime source for having a dream.
Are you studying Jung's approach to dreams? It will help clarify the important aspects of dreams and the metaphorical references they often carry. Especially with an older person's dreams {over 40}.
Other than that I must say I am impressed with your sense of intuition, something that is most important in 'reading' dreams. You are on the right track.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Telephone contact

Thank you Gerard. Although I haven't studied much of Jung's works, I hope the subject will come up when I take Psychology in college. Most All of my interpretation for this dream is based on intuition, and I usually overlook metaphorical views. However, I'll think more about that thanks to your advice.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18 in Indiana

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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