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epic kind of dream

Hey guys, first post here, i have had a few wierd dreams lateley but last night seemed to get my attention more.

It started (from what i can remember) with me on a desert or beach road, i was on the phone to a good friend talking about a relationship, i can't remember wether it was about his ex or someone i once fell in love with (but it turned out kind of bad), then i saw a really big hill, it was more like a kind of sandy mountain (it must have been about 100ft tall).

I started climbing the hill, which seemed quite hard, but i got to the top and i saw a few people who i knew but i can't remember who they were, then i looked at the land beneath and there was kind of like a city in the background but directly in front of us was a huge prison, it was really really big, it was like 3 san quentins connected in kind of in the shape of a triangle, then the dream ended (well, thats all i can remember).

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18, London

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} male

Re: epic kind of dream

The dream has a lot of sand in it. Could this be symbolic of 'shifting emotions'? Especially having to do with relationships? The road you are traveling in the dream may be about those romantic interests in your life and trying to climb over the painful experiences in your waking life. Perhaps the prison is in your heart and involves 'someone i once fell in love with'. Could that be the mountain you are climbing, the prison that you are in?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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