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Packed my bags, ready to go

it's warm.
The living room floor is a different color, a washed gray, like the concrete of a prison hallway.
David's living room, 'everyone' is there.
Christianna, Allen, Mindy and David, the kids, and Paul. (odd, never met the man).
I am furiously stuffing clothes into a plastic bag, but the bag has a rip in the other side, I am onthe verge of tears, and shit keeps falling out the other side.
Apparently, I am in some sort of trouble for hurling a laser toy at an old woman living behind us. Another elderly woman enters once from the kitchen and says 'she did get hit with it'. emphasis on the 'did', like she'd just gone to check.
I am seriously pissed off, and for some unrecollectable reason, spit at David. My shit falls back to the floor, and as he lunges at me, the door opens, and in waddles a fat policeman. (o'course)
When I wake up, I fall out of bed.
Thing is, I rarely fall out of bed, as far as I know, though I am obviously a violent sleeper.
Second, I rarely remember dreams. More and more, they become real to me, as if I'm allowing myself to 'dream' again, literally and symbolically, slowly but surely. Every day or two, I have more and more lucid dreams. This being the last and most vivid.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 19, Georgia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? No

Re: Packed my bags, ready to go

Teen dreams with known persons often are focusing on waking experiences, and often those experiences are only discernible by the dreamer. If you could provide a little info on David and Paul perhaps that will clarify some of those questions I have about the dream as it relates to waking experiences. And have there been conflicts with actual people of recent {old ladies] in your waking life or are they simply symbolic images?

Other than that I sense the dream is reflecting inner conflicts perhaps to do with personality. Clothes often represent personality traits, habits, the persona. Plastic is something that isn't strong and a rip may indicate weak aspects of your psyche that are causing internal if not external conflicts. Do you have a temper or have had an experience recently where you lost your temper? Being a violent sleeper may be an extension of your personality.

The parts about the old women and spitting at David. Again, are there recent waking experiences involving such people? A teenagers dream will often use metaphor to address certain aspects of the dreamer's life but also address actual waking experiences that are a result or that address those same aspects. Let me know your response to my questions and then we may be able to fully understand the dream.

As for falling out of bed. That may be simple coincidence. And if you are just now beginning to remember your dreams, that may be an indication the conflicts you are facing are beginning to overpower your unconscious mind and need to be addressed consciously.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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