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Boy Baby Dream

I gave birth to this baby boy, but I wasn't pregnant and didn't look pregnant. I gave birth at home with no pain, the baby just came out. I felt really happy. The baby didn't have a name and was naked all the time. He was very clever and could use the toilet, yet he was a newborn baby. I was at a huge gathering with lots of people and my family. My family and the crowd didn't want anything to do with the my child, they rejected him, which didn't bother me as I was so happy with my baby. My baby almost slipped out of my arms twice, but I managed to catch him both times. He was naked. I woke up feeling peaceful and happy and tried to understand what the dream meant.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 32

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Boy Baby Dream

If there are not actual desires or experiences in wanting a new baby in your life then the birthing of a new baby boy would be symbolic. It would likely represent something new that has entered {or needs to enter} your life or a new phase is about to begin. Since it is a boy then it probably represents a masculine aspect of your psyche. It could be addressing undeveloped masculine traits that needs to be exposed {naked} or revealed. And since the dream baby is cleaver this aspect may provide insightful information to your waking conscious, aspects that need to be realized/eliminated {could use the toilet}. The naked part may also be pointing to something that is obvious but has been rejected by you for some reason. It would be something about you that consciously you do not want but unconsciously you need to open up to because of the benefits of the knowledge it possesses.

What is it in your life of recent that is new and in some way pertains to the 'masculine'? It may involve something about yourself that you have rejected, some past experience that has resurfaced {new born} and needs reconciliation.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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