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A Book by Henry Kissinger

Henry Kissinger wrote a book I was going to read. It had his life dates on the spine of the book, written as 2009 – 1929. I read the 2009 at first and wondered how he had written a book when he had only just been born. I then realised the dates were backward. The book was predominantly light blue, with an image of Henry on the cover, but that was of little significance. The focus was the blue book with the dates, and that it was by him.

What I know about Henry Kissinger:

He is an intelligent man serving in US politics, despite being born I think in Germany or Russia (basically the enemy in WWII era). I mainly know him from his appearance in the Simpsons where he drops his glasses in the toilet and is too proud to admit that he made such an embarassing fumble.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 26 - Perth, Western Australia

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Re: A Book by Henry Kissinger

Henry's appearance in the Simpsons is most likely a play on how he {Kissinger} fumbled the many opportunities to be a true visionary. Kissinger was a prime player in Nixon's years in office as President and while he was never 'tainted' in the Watergate mess he nether the less was a part of it. He excelled in other areas. He was instrumental in opening China to world trade in the early 70s and shared the Nobel Peace prize for his 'so called' efforts to end the Vietnam war which was overblown since it took another 4 years for the war to end}. I suggest you read up on his life.

Kissinger always had a high opinion of himself. He took himself too seriously. He also is known to be the 'playboy' type with many relationships with beautiful women.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

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