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my little brother

Hey Jerry (Gerard) How are you? It's been awhile since I've posted..I haven't had any dreams that I could actually remember..But Im here to get advice about my little brother who is going to be 27 this August..

A couple of months ago before he graduates for college he was jumped by 8 guys in the phillippines, one guy hit him so hard on the side of the head that it bled non stop..He had to get a brain surgery to try to stop it from bleeding..they did 2 operations, now he has memory loss and forget what to say, at one point he forgot who is who..

My brother is very strong and very smart and easy to get along..I don't know why this had to happened to him..He was very excited that he was gonna graduate and used all his skills now he says he can't do it cuz he can't remember at times..Oh they opened his skull and cut a big chunk on the skull that the only thing keeping the brain together is his scalp..They didn't even put a plate in his head for support on his brain..You would think its mandatory to put a plate on his head..

This is where I need your help..He tells me he gets dreams about someone getting him or something always goes wrong and he gets hurt..What do you think his dream is telling him? You think its saying something, or is it a replay to how he should of acted
Do you think he is playing it on his mind that how he should of just stayed home that day and not went out with his older cousins to go out to eat that day? what do you think? Do you think its telling him how he is afraid, that he is living in fear or that he should live in fear..He says when he goes out he is always looking around for people..The people that jumped him..

OH, They caught 3 guys but let them go cuz they gave the name to who started it and who hit him..I guess this guy had a rap sheet of hitting innocent people on the head..Like its a thrill for him..They guy is on hiding..Probably, why my brother doesn't feel safe..What do you think??Can you please help me how he can over come his dreams or if theirs some kind of message?

Thank you!!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29yrs old - las vegas, nevada

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

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Re: my little brother

I apologize for taking so long to respond to your post. A very busy week trying to satisfy the 'social dragon'.

I am sorry to hear about your brother's misfortune. Let's hope he recovers and is able to continue his life and finds success. As for the person or persons who attacked him. There is one thing I strongly believe in, and have witnessed from 58 years of experience, is 'what goes around come around'. Nature has its way of evening things up. Those who caused him harm will be repaid in full, in this lifetime. That may seem little consolation but it does say a lot about how we should live our lives. The most evil men in history, including Hitler, suffered terribly because of their actions {Hitler had severe health problems the last 20 years of his life}. There is no hiding from the laws of nature.

As for your brother's dreams. It sounds as if the attack has left him psychologically damaged and his dreams are trying to cope with that. Such tragic events leaves scares that are hard to mend. The attack may have caused damage to that part of the brain that produces dreams may have been damaged and may have some affect on his dreams. But from what you state his dreams are 'reliving' parts of the attack and the 'hurt' it caused.

The parts of the brain that are crucial for dreaming and those that are crucial for REM sleep are widely separated, both anatomically and functionally. The parts of the brain that are crucial for REM are in the pons, which is located in the brainstem, near the nape of the neck. The parts of the brain that are crucial for dreaming, by contrast, are situated exclusively in the higher parts of the brain, in two specific locations within the cerebral hemispheres themselves
from The Interpretation of Dreams and the Neurosciences

The good thing about the brain is its resilience. I knew a man who had half his brain removed yet the other half learn compensate for many of the purposes of the part that was lost. So there is hope.

Let's meditate and pray your brother recovers fully.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: my little brother

Thanks! Gerard, I believe that too, what comes around goes around..I will let him know about the DREAM FORUM
Im sure you will be a great help to him..Thank you Gerard..recovery is slow, but Im sure he will pull through it

oh! take as much time you want dragon slayer I understand

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29yrs old - las vegas, nevada

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

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