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Repeating dream

I've had these dreams about my grandmother she had passed away from lung cancer when i was 8 and we were very very close. After that day i kept getting this weird dream. My grandmother's old blue car was parked in our backyard and she was sitting inside. She couldn't come out because if she did she would die. I've had this dream at least 9 times and every time it was a little different. When i was about 11 or 12 i had the dream again but it had a horrible ending. I was knocking on the window and crying yelling at her to come out she started tearing up and said she couldn't, i was selfish and i opened the door when she stepped out she died on the grass. I'm 13 now and i haven't had the dream yet.
-Do you know what this means?

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Re: Repeating dream

Although your grandmother has made that final transition she still resides within you. Unconsciously {parked in our backyard} she is still a part of your life and for her to come out would change how life really is {she has passed and that is a part of life}. The selfishness is your desire to have her back but to 'open doors' that are not meant to be open would require something that is not meant to be{she stepped out she died on the grass}.

What the dream is saying is you miss your grandmother and wish you could change things so she could be alive again. But that is how life is. A normal dream that may seem frightening.


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