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Babies, Anger, Secrets, and more...

Ok... I had this dream last night that jumped ALL OVER the place. From what I can tell, it was all one dream, just smashed together. Either way, it makes no sense..some insight would be helpful.
I can't remember exactly in what order these events occurred, but I will try my best to recollect them.
At one point, I was waiting in a Dr.'s office (waiting room). FOREVER. It had been several times that I had been back. Finally the doctor came out and started the "exam" right there in front of everyone. I don't mean a physical exam - just asking very personal questions. Then I started flipping out... totally chewing this doc's butt! I had come back to this place another time in my dream, and one of the nurses gave me directions to where I might be able to find....

A dead baby... I have no idea whose baby this is, but it was VERY important that I find it. When I say dead, I mean that it was either stillborn or miscarried or something along those lines. I would up in this room where several dead people (not just babies) were all laid out on mattresses. For whatever reason, they were all naked and they were not decomposing. There was a man laying with what looked like a very premature baby.. the man was saying something about being with the baby might bring it back to life and that I needed to find mine. However, I never found it and that was the end of it.

In another part of the dream, I was helping my best friend and her boyfriend move some stuff. I'm not sure what we were moving, but I know they weren't moving themselves to another home. I scouted this place, coincidentally underneath the building of the doc's office, and started helping them move. It was underneath, but you could stand up completely and it was almost like a secret hiding place. At one point, I was able to hear some things going on in the doc's office.... two nurses standing at a copier machine (don't know/remember what was said, just know that I could see the doc's office from underneath).

While moving... or at some point that I was still with my friend and her boyfriend, my sister appeared in my dream. She was in a turned over car. Her head was stuck such that if we flipped the car, her neck would break. Jason (friends boyfriend) and I figured out a way to "loosen her up", and we flipped over the car.

Yet ANOTHER part of the dream, I was with my mom and another fairly distant relative. We were in a pool. My mom handed me some type of horse-pill (not sure what it was for or if I even took it). During the pool scene, there was a point in which water should have been draining from the pool, but it wasn't. However, I took the steps necessary to "fix" it so that the water wouldn't drain... I remember the water being extremely dark blue... very pretty.... almost like a clear night sky. The water was clean though... exceptionally so.

Like I said, there were a few returns to the doc's office. There were also a few returns to the part where I'm helping them move stuff.. nothing significant that I can remember.

Any thoughts??

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 30, VA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Babies, Anger, Secrets, and more...

Being in a doctor's office would suggest there is something in your life that is in need of healing. Something that has being going on for a long time, perhaps requiring a self examination of the 'inner self' that will help you move on and heal.

Babies often symbolize new beginnings. If it was dead on arrival there was never any life to it. What is it in your life that would fit with that? Possibly expectations that never developed. Relationships that ended badly?
The dead people probably represent how these experiences have negatively affected you, parts of you are at times 'dead'. You have not found resolution to this emotional experience. You need closure.

Moving some 'stuff' may represent that need for change, psychologically, those parts that are need of healing. It probably involves a psychological healing.

It could involve your sister. If so the over turned car may be you, emotionally 'overturned'. Has there being a thought or suggestion of someone breaking her {sister's} neck? 'Loosen her up' may involve actual waking life experiences.

If not your actual sister then she would represent another part of yourself. You are emotionally 'overturned', psychologically {the head ends/breaks at the neck}.

And then there is mom. This may be a family affair experience. What ever the emotional experience it needs a release {water won't drain}. You may be holding back your emotions, or perhaps even repressing aspects of the experience.

There needs to be resolution to this emotional affair {a need to 'fix' it}. Then there can be that harmony you wish for in your life.
There is a definite need for healing.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Babies, Anger, Secrets, and more...

Interesting! I am "always" trying to fix something it seems... Actually, I'm currently reading a book called "Perfect Daughters" and it deals with daughters or alcoholics. I was just reading that you often grow up feeling the need to "fix" things... and never quite being "good enough".

I assumed the doctor kept coming back into it because I've been anxious recently about an upcoming visit.

I thought maybe my sister's situation in the dream might pertain to me helping her get out of a situation she felt trapped or stuck in. But, your interpretation also makes sense.

Thanks for taking the time to read... I'll try to post more often! I had a dream the following night about Bernie Mac! Quite an interesting site.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 30, VA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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