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Dream Continuity/Continuation of Dreams

Hello. My name is Rose, and I'm 18 years old. I'm not exactly sure how this forum works, the layout is too confusing for me to try and figure out if this kind of question is welcome, but I figure the worst that can happen is I'm banned and never get an answer. My question has little to do with interpretation of a particular dream, and more to do with the way nearly all of my dreams work.

I had a dream when I was very young, 3 or 4 or so, of entering a room and finding myself lost in an unfamiliar place. I can still visualize that entire dream, though was I'm not searching for interpretation, I don't think details are vital. This dream was vital to me, though, because it was the start of a series of dreams.

You see, nearly every dream since that one have been a continuation of that first one. I'd describe it like a TV series, where every episode has it's own story, conflict, and resolution, but, at the same time, has an overarching story, themes, and generally keeps itself to a general set of laws on what can and cannot happen.

I guess you might call it dream continuity. I haven't heard very much on the subject, despite frequently searching for information, and in fact, not a single person in my life I've talked to about the way my dreams work has ever experienced anything close. I've very interested in discovering how common this is, what it's called, what it means.

I'm not exactly sure how to describe what I mean. My dreams follow their own set of rules and laws, as well as existing all within a more spawling, chaotic vision of my home town. I can spend days typing out the significance of the dreamworld-specific locations, and what they mean to the dreams, but I will say that locations generally matter to the overall continuity. Events, too, tend to be remembered, mentioned, and reflected in the Dreamscape. If something happens in one dream, years later (the dreams generally follow the same time line as reality, so a day is a day, a year is a year) that same event may still be important and mentioned, or even simply evident.

One of the best examples I have is a dream from a number of years ago, where I accidentally caused the destruction of my school (this dream took place in Elementary School) that was located near my house. I escaped blame for the incident when a classmate took the blame, and was punished in some way I can't recall. For years afterwords, the school was still in ruins, though it was visibly being repaired, if slowly. Sometimes there would be construction equipment there. This wouldn't even be an important part of some dreams, just that the school was close to my house in the dreams, and I would often have to walk past and just see this in passing glances. Later, when the school was near completion, the schoolmate who was blamed tried to take revenge on the city, and a girl I'm acquaintances with was apparently killed in that incident. She has remained referred to as deceased despite being alive and well in the waking world.

This happened before I learned how to fix my dreams and alter events to go the way I wanted. It's hard to explain how that happens, but basically, I tend to have the same dream repeat itself multiple times during the night, and after realizing that, I've started fixing and preventing mistakes during the repeats. I should probably note that I'm generally aware during the dreams, roughly as aware as I am in waking hours. This doesn't mean I realize my dreams are in fact, dreams, but I have exactly the same control over thoughts and actions as I would awake. Not to say I haven't had lucid dreams, but that's an entirely different matter all together, and to put it lightly, lucid dreams don't mix well with my dreamworld.

This post is probably long enough, so I won't go into intricate details of specific dreams and rules in this post, because as I said, I'm not looking for you to really interrupt, because that's something I truely enjoy doing myself. It comes naturally to me, and I wouldn't change my dreams for the world. I think of them as a mirror of my own life and an important part of myself. But I'm deeply curious as to the rarity of these kinds of dreams, the name of it, and what it means in a general sense. I'd love to read up on the subject, but not even knowing what it's called has put a damper on research. Any help you can give me would be very much appreciated.

Thank you,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18, PA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Dream Continuity/Continuation of Dreams

Hello Rose,

Nice to e-meet you.

I have a similar thing with my dreams since I started analysing them (only recently). Not all my dreams are linked to this particularly series of dreams, but without fail once a week, or once a fortnight I will have a dream in which I construct a three-dimensional model of a fictional place (I am a cartographer delving in three-dimensional visualisation and analysis by trade). Each night I dream about it the model has progressed, or some aspect of the job has to be altered.

In the theory of dreams I am following it is a communication between my conscious and unconscious, and is most likely somehow related to my working life, though I have not connected the dots yet.

In terms of researching dream theory, I have seen this sort of thing mentioned in my perusing of CG Jung's writings. He mentioned dream series somewhere, though I am not entirely sure where that was, I will see if I can find out unless Gerard has more information before I get the chance.

Sweet dreams,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 26 - Perth, Western Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Dream Continuity/Continuation of Dreams

Hello Rose
So do you always dream in your home town?
And are you dreams always in continuation?
Anyways That is interesting what you say Ive had dreams that continue from where they have left off but they have nothing to do with my current living situation. Rarely may-be 10 times at the most ive had a continued dream from the point it left off. And usually after I dream the second dream I realize that I had the first dream to begin with. My longest sequence of continuation was a dream I had when I was very young and it continued for a week.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 21

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? No

Re: Dream Continuity/Continuation of Dreams

And I forgot to mention.
Although Ive had continuation of dreams which seems more rare- I don't think ive ever had a recurring dreams. Meaning dreaming of the same thing over again. How is that possible? And do u usually realize you are dreaming since you know that you dreamnt about whats going to happen in the past?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 21

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? No

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