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Dead body in a glass bottle

I am at a beach house, beatiful worn out wooden walls, similar to that of an old boat. The weather outside is magnificent in that nostalgic sense, grayish, soft misty skies, fluffy hazy clouds, chiaroscuro like; perfect afternoon, dark yet beautiful. I am in the company of people I don't know in my waking life. Many events happened while I am at this place. I feel as if I am in another dimension while at this beach. The place does not look like anything I have seen before, yet it was familiar while in my dream. I can recall one of the emotionally charged events that happened while I am here. I am holding a glass bottle in my hands, which can hold up to a litter of water. Strangely enough, inside this bottle I see the body of a woman. I cannot tell if she is alive or dead, I don't even seem to be bothered to find out. At the same time, I am not freaked out by this picture. I am calm and observing the bottle. I am sure I am talking to some companion I don't know in waking life. I then grab a stick and push it down the glass bottle as if attempting to kill the body of this creature, I see blood pouring out and get the impression that I killed this woman. At this point I experience anxiety and am looking for an idea, for a place to hide the body. I cannot come up with a place that the cops cannot find. The dream ends as I am holding the body of this dead woman in my hands and cannot find a place to hide it.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 27 New York

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Dead body in a glass bottle

The woman in the bottle. Could she be a 'dead' part of you that you are seeking to 'bottle' up so not to confront that emotional aspect she would represent? You try to hide this part of you but your 'inner police' are not easily fooled {your true feelings can not hide for long}.

I get the impression there is a need, or even perhaps an actual evolving experience, for a transformation in your life. Boats take you to new shores in life. Beaches are borders to the unconscious. Unconsciously you know there is a need for change {transformation} in some aspect of your life. Another dimension, a place that does not look like anything you have seen before, is this unconscious advice to investigate new areas in your life that will transform you? Any such transformation would be for the better {dreams seek to balance}. That 'dead' part of you may need revitalization, transforming yourself into someone who truly feels alive.

Does this fit with some aspect of your life?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Dead body in a glass bottle

Thank you Gerard,

Your reading is on point to a great extend, however I am no sure which part of me I am running from, or trying to hide for a little longer. As of late I have been working with my emotional body. By nature, or nurture, emotion is often an obstacle, meaning I am somewhat a stranger to it. I won't go so far as to say I don't feel, compassion and reaching out to everyone I can is what I do with love, but sometimes I have a hard time registering the imprint of emotion on me. It manifests itself in thought form most of the time.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 27 New York

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Follow-Up To Interpretation

Re: Dead body in a glass bottle

We will probably need to analyze more of your dreams to get an idea of what you may be 'running from'. Unless of course you can fit it with some particular aspect of your life.
What emotional issues have you experienced that may have left you feeling 'dead' inside? It would be an issue from earlier in life. It is a woman in the bottle and not a child or younger girl. That may point to something more recent, but it could also be the result of some earlier experience. Again, future dreams may reveal some details about the experience. If you are consciously working with the emotional body by intent, there may be something that has been hidden that is being re-discovered. The dream seems to be blunt about trying to hide something.
And then again an active conscious search may find many emotional issues. Being open to the search is the first major step. Sorting through 'the baggage' will most assuredly reveal past experiences that have been forgotten, or repressed.

A note about conscious exploration of the emotions. Jung's Individuation Process is all about such a search. It is a great tool for self discovery and the 'inner search'. Dreams are but one part of this self psychology method of discovery. I can attest to the concept having been a student since the early 90s.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Dead body in a glass bottle

I am truly humbled and thank you for shedding light in my journey. It is comforting to the mind to understand the ways of the soul. I am definitely a pilgrim of the journey to Wholeness. At the same time there are a few challenges to overcome, as in rise above and embrace the shadow they reflect into my path to wholeness. One of the challenges is my relationship to my father, which has been frozen in time since I was 16 years old. We cannot find a way to share child-parent togetherness as adults. As it is classically the case in modern psychology, that shadow - the inability to bring to life a healthy emotional mode of being with my father - spills its seeds in my connection to the man in my life. In my relationship I give everything I have learned to give with love and it is often received with great appreciation and reciprocated, which leads me to think I am on the right path, but I don't feel its presence having an imprint in my emotional body. Being with him is an encounter of harmony, peace, and incredible spiritual affinity. My dilemma is:
Whether my emotions are frozen (failed to nurture them with my father and gave up with other individuals), and as a consequence I have suppressed them to create this wonderful world of thought and spirituality. Has one fear masked the presence of another by garbing itself with meaningful clothes, i.e., spirituality? My spiritual journey and quest are and will always be the unfolding of my essence and I taking notes. But I would be bitter to leave certain parts out because I render them to be children of fear.

Thank you again,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 27 New York

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Follow-Up To Interpretation

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