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Insane dream of premonition

Your forum was at the top of the list so I figure I'll start here. I was raised with old ways but have not practiced for many years. About a week ago I had a vivid dream about three symbols on a vertical peace of rice paper with black ink. At the top was a bird's wing, in the middle a yin-yang and at the bottom a peace sign. I was going for a tattoo of these symbols, however the vertical paper had changed to a bird's wing at the top, a round skull in the middle and a hammer and sythe at the bottom. These are the three symbols that stuck with me for the rest of the dream. I would love your interperetation because after some crazy happenings last weekend, I feel like this was the most profound premonition I've ever had and as I said, I've been out of touch for many years.What do you think this change of symbols means, especially after so many years of being out of touch? After hearing your feedback I will tell you about what happened. Freaking insane this dream was!!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 24 Tallahassee, FL

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Re: Insane dream of premonition

I tried to disable the smileys so I don't know why that stupid sad face is on my post. Sorry guys! I'm more quizzical than anything.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 24 Tallahassee, FL

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Insane dream of premonition

The whole dream is what is needed to provide a proper interpretation. And an explanation of what you mean by 'old ways'.

As for what you have provided. The one thing that remains constant in the two 'symbols' is the birds wing. This may represent a need or desire to seek freedom, take flight from some aspect in your life.

Then there seems to be a regression.
The middle point changes from balance and harmony {yin/yang} to a 'round' skull. This may indicate the thinking process, the desire for balance and harmony. What at first seemed likely now is less sure. A regression.

The last part ends on a negative note. I will assume the hammer and sythe represent the 'old ways' of communism. Instead of the peace and tranquility there is conflict and control.

Again, the whole dream may shine light on what these symbols may represent. But in Jungian psyche, whatever their application, they represent aspects of your own life. In other words there is a regression of self in these symbols, an actual decline of some aspect of your life or a fear of it. What was promising has now become less so, and is threatened by some force that may present conflict in your life and could very well take control of some aspects.

Is there any relationship in your life to what happened in Georgia {the country} and the invasion by Russia? Are these the old ways you speak of? The hammer and sythe are the old symbols for communism. The peace sign is the opposite. The yin/yang is the middle point, balance and seeking harmony. The skull, perhaps the thinking mind. Being round may indicate a desire for harmony {circles symbolize wholeness}. Are these aspects in your life that are now under consideration?

If you will post the complete dream perhaps we will have a better understanding of the symbols and their applications to your life.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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