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the tone, the white wolf and a waterfall

I was walking through a a forest at night. When I started to walk by small cliff i heard a tone like from a tuning fork coming somewhere by me. I looked around but didnt see anything that could have made the noise. I kept hearing the tone as i walked. When I entered a clearing infront of me was a white wolf on a boulder looking at me with a questionable look on its face. It leaped from the boulder and as it touched the ground I found out that the tone was coming from every step it made. It started look at me to something else as if he was trying point something to me. It was a small pile of trees that the wolf was looking at and as I turn to look at him again he disappeared. I searched behind the tree as i came across a tunnel.

The tunnel seemed to last for hours with out ending. As i got out of the tunnel I found myself on a stone bridge in the mid area of a great waterfall. The waterfall had statues of angels and speared warriors that made gaps in the waterfall like where I entered from and they looked mystifying as the light of the twilight hit them aswell as the water. The waterfall was like a snake as it twist around as well as a basin without a bottom.

I started walking to get to the other side but found out that part of the stone bridge that would enter the other tunnel was destroyed. When I was about to turn back the tone came echoeing from the three walls of the waterfall around me and the white wolf reapeared. He bowed his head and said in a elegant voice "This is why I am here."

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 16, Texas

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: the tone, the white wolf and a waterfall

An unusual dream for someone your age. That is if I am correct in my assumptions of its meaning. Unusual in that it has symbols and metaphors that would normally be found in the dreams of an older person who is experiencing a metaphysical transition of the inner world as opposed to the outer ego centered world in which most people obeying reside.

The two symbolic patterns in your dream that strike me most are the forest and the white wolf. Walking through the forest would symbolize going through a transitional stage, an important stage at that. The white wolf would a guide in that transition.
Although these may fit into that normal transition expected of a teenager, the symbols used are not common for someone your age. Most such metaphorical transitional phases in a dream are of those who are at mid-life, and not the stage of the teen years.

Besides the normal transition phases that all teens go through, what other phases could you be going through in your life? Are there any creative skills that you possess that are now beginning to take shape?
There may be barriers to this transition but your 'intuitive' Self is beckoning you to continue on despite the 'destruction' of the mental passage to reaching your goals. The white wolf and the water falls, the snake and the tunnel point to a possible major transitions in your life. In mid-life this is associated with realizations of a creative and/or spiritual aspects. Although the transition may be merely pointing the normal stages of transition of a teenager, the symbolic language in the dream suggests something deeper.

One other thought to the possible inclusion of such symbolic language. Do you read or have an interest in anything that deals with mythology? This could leave the psyche that influence your dreams. Are you going through any unusual emotional stages, something not usual for the average teen?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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