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Recurring Tornado Dream

Hi Gerard,

I have a recurring theme of tornados in my dreams.

I have noticed that after I have one of these dreams I almost always experience a situation in my life that is traumatic.

In most cases, the tornado is on the horizon and I am scrambling to get to safety.

I have also been in a car driving away from the tornado or in a house and looking at the skies only to discover the funnel cloud. Then, I scramble to get out of it's path.

I also have had dreams of being held hostage lately.

Is this enough detail or do you need more precise details and limit it to one particular dream?

Thanks, in advance for this!

I can't believe how amazing you are.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 40, PA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Recurring Tornado Dream

A tornado is often symbolic of emotional conflict in the dreamer's life. Seeing it on the horizon may suggest you are aware or should be of the impending emotional turmoil. Perhaps you should see it coming, because of your actions that may cause the emotional 'disturbance' or perhaps because you are the emotional type.
The car in the dream would represent you. You are trying to get away from the emotions implications. It seems you are prone to be affected no matter what {I need to scramble to get out of its path}.

Being held hostage may suggest some emotional aspect in your life is 'holding you hostage'. That would fit with the tornado dreams.

What emotional issues are you dealing with in your life? It could be an inner issue, or some person or past/current/recurring experience that causes an emotional response on your part. Something that is so strong it is holding you down?
Dreams are about the emotional condition of the dreamer {as well as the physical and metaphysical}. Put what is happening in your life with the above described dream actions and determine how they fit.

Look forward to your response. It may provide deeper insights to your emotional self.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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