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Lucid dreams getting stronger?

I've been getting increasingly more intense lucid dreams as this week has been going on. The part that gets me is the moment before awakening.

Sunday night I was having a dream where I was hanging out with this cute girl, just watching some tv. Near the end of the dream I was sitting indian style and she was slightly sitting on one foot. During the dream, like any other LD i suppose, I felt everything. The couch I was sitting on, her pressure on my foot, and so on. Well, i woke up still feeling the pressure on my foot.

Monday night I had another LD where towards the end of the dream I was swimming in a pool. Right before waking up, I started choking on water in the dream, but then as I awoke I was coughing and my pillow was wet with drool (or at least that's the logical explaination). I flipped the pillow over and went back to sleep.

Nothing happened Tuesday night as I didn't get too great of sleep.

Last night was pretty intense because everything was so utterly real that I was very confused waking up in a strange apartment, not my own (i guess it was a false awakening). I couldn't figure out how I got there because I still knew what my partment looked like, and I knew the one i was in wasn't it. Anyways, at the very last part of the dream I started to sit down to take a nap. As I fell asleep in the dream I woke up in real life, as if my waking life is my dream life's... dream.

After last night/this morning I had to post something. Has anyone else has these strange wake ups?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 25, Dunkirk

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Re: Lucid dreams getting stronger?

I am not a big fan of lucid dreaming because I believe thay may disrupt the therapeutic value of dreams. If the dream time is spent trying to control the dream then there could well be an interruption of that natural affect that dreams provide {therapeutic}.

For instance. The dream from last night seemed to be addressing some unknown or ignored aspect about you when you decided {in the dream} to take a nap. If you were indeed participating in lucid dreaming, trying to control aspects of the dream, then the therapeutic mechanism shuts down and the dream ends without fully addressing the issue that was the original intent. As you feel asleep in the dream you woke up in real life.

But let's believe the dream did finish what it started. This unknown quality I mentioned. Perhaps you need to wake up to these aspects. Thus waking up to some aspect about yourself you have been 'asleep' to.

Monday's dream also involves actual waking experiences that were also in the dream. It may be trying tho focus so much on LD you are letting the dream carry over into waking life and thus again disrupting the intention of the dream. Swimming in a pool could very well symbolize delving into the unconscious {water} so to recognize a personality quality {pool}. Last nights' dream could also be addressing unknown personality issues {strange apartment}.

Sunday's dream doesn't say much but again the waking focus is on the physical feeling and not the dream itself. Does this have anything to do with LD? I wonder. And again, not a big fan of lucid dreaming {although for those who are advanced in the subject there can be beneficial results if used properly}.

As for the dream messages. What type personality do you have? Does anyone ever say something negative about your personality, traits or habits you possess?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

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Re: Lucid dreams getting stronger?

Thank you for the reply, and I must apologize because I think I'm interchanging LD with vivid dreaming. I always assumed a lucid dream meant it was quite real and clearly remember, not so much that one had control over the dream.

In the dream that ended with a nap, I took the nap as I was settling down on a porch with some people that were getting ready to throw, what I assumed, a party during the summer. Right before that I took a train with an asian girl in the middle of winter, although there wasn't much snow on the ground.

As far as the pool, I was swimming with a woman in the middle of the night.

Personality-wise, I'm pretty laid back. I have a lack of confidence, not that it's NOT there, but needless to say my ego is pretty small. So, basically, I don't get any direct comments about my personality, but there have been plenty of people that have thrown doubt at me during this life time.

Thank you againf or the reply. With school this week I haven't had too much time to think about what these dreams could mean.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 25, Dunkirk

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Re: Lucid dreams getting stronger?

Is abundance, an overflowing quantity/fullness to overflowing, of some 'thing' present in your waking life? This may be represented in these dreams.

Have you viewed movies, read books, with the topic of 'reality' [Matrix type, studies of eastern religions such as hinduism, buddhism, etc} lateley?

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 46 Ohio, USA

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Re: Lucid dreams getting stronger?

Hello Kathy,
We miss your valuable and experienced advice here at the Forum. Good to hear from you and hope all is well in your journey.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Lucid dreams getting stronger?


There's been abundance of a few things lately. One would be reading, and it's been a several books since I've read anything on 'reality.' A bit of loneliness could be it, I just moved into a new town to attend college.
Could it be energy, or chi, as I've recently had acupuncture done (which will be a regular thing for a little while), and I've found out that my apartment has good Feng Shui for my trigram.

Thank you,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 25, Dunkirk

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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