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Church converted

My husband and I walk into what had been a very small church, now converted into a home. There was a beautifully coloured stained glass window with lots of blue hues. We find ourselves standing in the lounge area speaking with the estate agent, whilst the current owners (chinese family) sit on their couch in the background. There is a warm fire crackling in the background. The discussion insues around a price of R60,000 which is ridiculously inexpensive for any property, but most especially, in the area where we were looking in (i.e. north of Johannesburg)(average price is in the millions). My feeling whilst standing there was: I felt that I had been to this place before when it had operated as a church, I just couldn't remember when. It was really familier to me and envoked a positive feeling. However, I couldn't understand why the existing owners were there whilst we were speaking to the estate agent.

Later in the dream, we had purchased the home and felt good (even though it was REALLY small) as we would make a good return based on it's position. I was sitting on a swing on our porch which faced onto a coffee shop across the road, whilst speaking to my husband. The swing had dual function (as space was limited), the second been a toilet..... I now needed to get off the swing / toilet, but couldn't as people in the coffee shop across the road were watching.... The lighting outside was bright and white.

Later in the dream some African people use our home as a thoroughfare to reach the other side of the road. One large african lady walked through our home and squeezed through the decorative front door gate. I held onto her legs complaining that she should not be accessing our home.

This really was a completely bizarre dream.....

Look forward to your interpretation.



P.S. please note this dream was REAL and not invoked by narcotics.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37 RSA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Church converted

The converted church may be that 'inner sanctum' in which you are turning to. It may be part of yourself that you have neglected because it seemed not to be of great value. But upon a second look you are now finding it very valuable.

The second part may be about fully expressing this inner self, a need to let out this aspect. But there are other 'outside' aspects of your life that deter you from doing so.

The African people may represent your unconscious side. The need to reach the inner sanctum is primarily an unconscious one, delving deep within oneself to discover this 'treasured' place. But again there is resistance to discovering this deeper aspect.

The dream seems to be much about self discovery, even perhaps a spiritual discovery. Your interest in numbers may be a part of this inner search. Does this fit with your life at the present?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Church converted

Hi Gerard,

Thank you for your response which was again really insightful. Makes alot of sense.



Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37 RSA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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