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What does a saw mean?

I just had a strange dream. I had missed a very important business appointment; my mother had brought an important person to meet with me and I'd forgotten all about it and remembered after the meeting was over. (This doesn't need interpretation; I've just had a stressful week at work, and in fact my mom is helping me get a client.) Anyway, right after that there were a couple of scene shifts. I dreamed I was at my college, a familiar place I've been coming back to for years, and I couldn't get into one of the dorms to see a female friend because of political unrest; angry activists had the building barricaded. I was confronted by a thug on a dark street outside this building, who wanted to beat me up, and I managed to get away on my bicycle and left him chasing me down the street, though I soon got a safe distance away. Then, I was in the grocery store in my hometown, and was shopping with my mom and brother. I was holding a large wood saw. As we went around shopping, a store employee gently grabbed the saw from my hand and was holding it on the floor, when a shopper stepped on the end of the saw and damaged the blade. I was very angry and asked the store employee how she could have done that, and she chuckled and said, "I was role-playing that." Role-playing or not, it made me angry, and I made a big scene in the store and demanded to be provided a replacement saw. After a long wait, a couple employees finally gave me a tiny, 3-inch saw blade as a replacement. I was even angrier and said I wanted the store manager; one of the employees said, "Dude, you *need* the store manager." He then led me through the store looking for the manager; all the while I was making angry comments about my saw. Finally my mom and brother reappeared at checkout, but instead of going back to the car I wanted to find the store manager and get an adequate replacement saw. They went to unload the groceries into the car, while I still looked for the manager. Finally I passed the president of my place of worship (where I've been involved) who was holding a new wood saw, and I said she had a saw, so why couldn't the store give me a new saw since mine had been deliberately damaged by a store employee? Then I woke up feeling angry.

I guess there was a lot going on there, but what's the wood saw about? Everything else is fairly understandable.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 31, Boston

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Re: What does a saw mean?

The stressful week at work may be limiting your ability to access that higher ability {college} of understanding things around you, and within you. Conditions on the outside {work} has that higher self barricaded within {emotionally}. There may be some resistance to some aspect of your waking life and you are beating yourself up over these particular issues. You may be angry at something or someone, or even yourself due to this blockage.

The wood saw may be that thing you seek to 'cut through' and discover what you are truly seeking. It may be you are letting the outer world stress you out too much and are not letting that 'higher self', that part of you that provides confidence, lead you. In times of distress we often make it worse because we worry too much about the outer things, which is usually the cause of our distress {materialism, ego} and neglect that inner self. It is the 'spiritual' aspect {presidemt of where you worship has a saw} that provides the inner wealth and in the end is what helps us transcend the 'barricades' we create.

It may be you need to stop looking 'too high' in your waking life and balance your life with those things that really matter. All work and no play isn't a life that is balanced.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: What does a saw mean?

A few notes on your dream starting with the saw…perhaps this will stimulate your own interpretation.

The saw may symbolize worship, with worship defined as excess questioning and criticism, and what ‘cuts’ – words/thoughts that cause injury and pain, whether in you or others. Recurrent in this dream are questioning, criticism, anger, seeking higher authority, and feminine.

The client meeting may indicate important information, a meeting with an aspect of Self (is the waking life client male or female – this could provide a clue as to whether the inner aspect is masculine or feminine), recalling past information forgotten or repressed, is upconing in the dream.

The college scene may indicate higher learning, desire to meet and develop a feminine trait, masculine Shadow aspect intervenes and prevents development of this feminine trait, ‘safe’ for who? – the masculine animus yet is this really ‘safe’ for a balanced Psyche?

A feminine aspect indicates to lay down an attitude, possibly of being stepped on?, meanwhile other aspects provide the appropriate attitude for proper utilization. Role playing may indicate an inappropriate response that you learned rather than development and utilization of your own inner Self response or attitude. This may be an ‘automatic’, meaning unconscious, response when subjected to criticism, or that criticism is the automatic response.

‘Need the store manager’ may demonstrate a need for (first) learning to mange this aspect through being conscious, “checkout’, of it’s existence. ‘Unload’ could signal the learned response is how you get rid of the anger, or it could indicate a need to recognize then seek the unconscious source and repression (unload into the car}, or possibly both.

The end of a dream can offer a solution to an issue. In this dream it could indicate that proper development of your higher feminine aspect, (president of your place of worship) could provide what you require. Perhaps this is the ability to deal with anger and or criticism in a constructive manner rather than an automatic anger and or critical response?

As always, a dream interpretation is a possibility based on universal archetypes. If this interpretation 'feels' close, examine your waking life in days prior to the dream for a situation that you may have expressed anger and or criticism, and perhaps afterward thought it may have been inappropriate.

This may or may not be close. Please feel free to respond with any thoughts you have about the dream and interpretation.

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 46 Ohio, USA

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