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ok so i had this dream that i was clipping my big toenail and that most of my nail came right off!!! i could see my skin and then it started bleeding, really bleeding I never saw so much blood in my life!!! what does this mean?!?!?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 21, Buffalo

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Re: Toenail

Emotions experienced during a dream are wonderful clues to interpreting meaning. What emotions did you experience in the dream? This would be a great help.

Feet can symbolize foundation, and facilitation of movement (forward if facing forward, backward if moving or facing backward). Blood is often symbolic of life. With this, what in your life is a part of the foundation in your life, if altered or removed, would bring new life or needed forward motion to your life?

As always, dream interpretation is based on universal archetypes. This could be close or way off. If close, examine your waking life in the days preceeding the dream for thoughts and activities that indicate a need to make an adjustment or removal of some 'thing' in the foundation of your life and/or beliefs, that would foster new life or movement forward toward a desired goal.

Your thoughts and feedback are welcome!

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 46 Ohio, USA

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