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wild drive


in my dreams, I went to a library (our national library, piles of books were everywhere, there were lots of tables with lamps and stuff). I suddenly bumped into some unknown woman, then she looked through a hole in the floor (it was covered with thick glass, so it seemed it was meant to be there) and asked me if I could go downstairs and carry some cloth there because it is clean again. She showed it to me, it was meant to fit on a chair, on the part where we sit. I tried to look through the hole too, but through the glass I saw very little, I didn't know where to go, but she just ordered me to go again. So I went, and I realised that I'm actually in a museum, and that that cloth is probably some part of some historic chair.

I was looking for that chair, but all I saw was some prehistoric stuff, like mammoths and old stones. Mum showed up from somewhere, and some guy ... I don't remember clearly, I think that I almost broke some very old thing and he caught it and suddenly I was very sleepy and I fell asleep on his shoulder. Then I went on, looking for that chair.

In the car, my sister was driving and I was sitting on the back seat. She is 15 and of course, in real life doesn't have a driving license and doesn't know how to drive at all. She was driving very fast, too fast for the narrow and unpredictable road. Suddenly there was a crossroad and I knew I have to go right if I want to get the cloth to the chair. But she turned left and continued driving like crazy. I started shouting on her to stop, to turn around, but she only laughed hysterically. With time on, I got scared to death and angry on her. But only when my younger brother, who also appeared to be in the car, started crying, terrified, she turned around and drove back to the crossroad, maybe a bit slowlier but not much.

We got out of the car, but only thing that seemed to be near was a big graveyard, full of soldiers who have fought for our country in 2. world war. We continued walking for a bit, I still knew the chair must be near somewhere (though it wasn't the museum and all). But my brother (7 yrs) started jumping on the graves, having a lot of fun, and didn't stop though I told him to. I got really angry again, but then my alarm clock rang and I had to go to school.

Thanks for any thoughts.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 16, Europe

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Re: wild drive

The library may represent 'learning' something about yourself. The museum could relate to the past. You may be trying to learn aspects of who you are by looking at the past. Looking for the chair would be looking for a particular identity. But there are a lot of emotions to sort through in doing so {prehistoric stuff}. There may be something in particular you are looking for from your past.

re there any conflicts, or conflicting differences between you and your sister? There may be elements of something from your past involve in this conflict. Do you think she tries to control you too much?

There may be something buried within you that you need to recognize. There is a need to awaken to this hidden aspect while you are young or it will accompany you as you grow and eventually there will be a lot of anger associated with the realization of what you are trying to discover.

I get the sense there is something that needs to be let out emotionally. What differences, other than the normal sibling rivalries, are there between you and your sister? That seems to be a big part of the inner conflict addressed in your dream.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: wild drive

Hm. I get on very well with my sister, she is fun to talk with and smart, and apart from occasional quarrels we have great time together.

Which is weird, seeing how very different we are. I'm much more introverted, alone and shy, have lower self-esteem and am much more afraid of life in general. She knows much better when to say no and is more popular, people like her more because of her great sense of humour. In my family, since we were little we've always somehow played the roles of "the clever one" (me) and she has had "the pretty one".

But you see, I'm 16. And there are lots of nice boys around me. And I don't like being so interested in smart stuff like maths, physics all the time. Sometimes I think it would be better to dress more nicely, or to use some make-up as my sister does, though I know looks shouldn't be so important.

Ok, that's all I can think of. Maybe the dream's trying to say that more feminine is not necessarily barbie-like.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 16, Europe

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} F

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