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I was walking with group of some unknown people, and we suddenly stopped. An old man, looking much alike Gandalf from Lord of the Rings, said "This is it," and I thought that we have come to the end of our journey, that we have reached our goal. But the next moment he just jumped over what I just noticed to be a cliff or something similar. He just jumped into nothing. The rest of us looked at each other, as "Oh no, now we lost our leader," but the cliff turned out to be a really steep hill and one of other boys took a horse and half climbed, half rode a bit down and then I saw what he saw: the wizard riding a brown horse far in the distance, down the steep hill, so steep it must has had 70° or so, but not sitting on the horse, but standing on his back. Standing straight, not 90° to horizon, but 90° to the slope. He was laughing and enjoying every bit of the ride.

thanks for any thoughts.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 16, Europe

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Re: jump

Dreams are depictions of events, experiences, emotions from our waking lives. In your dream there is a fear of not reaching a 'goal' and a journey is at an end. Is there a particular goal that you are trying to achieve in life? The fact that 'he jumped into nothing' may suggest there is a needless concern about the end to your journey. And the cliff turning out not to be a cliff but instead of a steep hill may add to that. It also may indicate reaching this goal is not going to end but only needs a lot of extra effort {steep hill to transverse}. The last part of the dream may be a suggestion you should not worry so much about this but should instead enjoy the ride. This could very well be what your life is about in its entirety; a journey where there are many goals to fulfill but the stresses in life prevent you from enjoying the journey.
Or it could pertain to one particular aspect of your life. Again, are there any particular goals you are currently trying to achieve?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: jump

I have some presentation in school right now, I volunteered although I'm completely scared of talking in front of people. I think that's stupid and that I should overgrow that fear. But some part of me is taking this task as a wild and crazy and pointless jump into some abyss (I could stay cosily sleeping in the webs of my mental constructs). And then there's another voice that tries to tell me that everything is just fine. That everything will be ok. That absolutely nothing can deteriorate horribly.

Oh, and the wizard's laugh at first seemed evil, just then I realised he's having fun.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 16, Europe

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} F

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: jump

The conflict you are facing in your presentation at school does seem to fit with the conflicting dream you posted. Trying to overcome your fears would be the 'steep hill to transverse'. 'he jumped into nothing' does indeed seem to fit with the 'needless concern' you feel is stupid and you need to grow out of. If you will focus on doing just that, growing out of this fear, I suspect the journey will be enjoying. Just as the wizard {a desire to magically make your fear disappear} laugh at first seemed evil, you can have fun developing your oratory skills.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

stats from 7-14-10 to the present