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Dream Analysis/Interpretation by Dream Analyst Gerald Gifford
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Hi Gerard, my dream started with me being recommended to some healing person who had a new kind of teraphy which should have helped me with my problems. It was meant to be in a form of total relaxation. Tere were few of us in a room, I think that I was recommended there by my brother or father, not entirely sure. I was very scared even though Im becoming quite a professional seeker of alternative teraphies. Anyway, this man who had a really bad energy around him was meant to be the healer, we all laid down and he was putting a piece of wooden stick into our mouth to support it to stay open. Then suddenly he came up to me and started touching me on my private parts and I knew he was gong to rape me. I started running away, he was following me, it was really scary but I was determined not to get caught {it felt good}. I was passing by some people and that helped me to escape and he got caught. I took him to the court, despite being told that I should not do it but I did not see any reason why not. I felt he should be punished.
The second part of the dream, I was walking in the countryside and met some kids on the way, a few yards later, we found a tiger mother with clubs. It was very odd as she let me to stroke the clubs, she was really gentle and tame.

Thank you very much for your interpretation


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 32 London

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes, a few months ago

Re: Tiger

Going back to your previous dream post Devils the dream includes the statement there was a man, very strong, masculine and violent. In this dream there is this man who had a really bad energy. In both instances you were able to escape from these men. That escape may be a conscious escape from actual experiences but the actual experiences may be repressed within the unconscious.
There seems to be two patterns, the violent men and the escape. In our conversations from the Devils dream we focused on the abuse upon yourself. But we did not go to the underlying causes of that self abuse. Perhaps the dreams are directed at that and not as much your current relationship {although those past experiences could have an affect on present relationships}.

Another pattern that is as much in passing in both dreams is directed at family members. In the Devils dream it was your parents. In this dream it was your brother or your father. Remembering that dreams use metaphor as its primary language the inclusion may be important in determining the root causes of your self abuse. The touching of te private parts may not necessarily suggest actual physical abuse {but is something that should be considered} but may be directed at attitudes developed in early life that still have influence over your conscious life. Also take in consideration the dream statement I took him to the court, despite being told that I should not do it but I did not see any reason why not. I felt he should be punished. that statement may represent something that actually occurred.

Are there any experiences from childhood that could have left a scare or big influence? If you are abusing yourself there are reasons for that. Another dream statement from your Devils post bolsters that possibility, "I have married a man I fear I do not really love repeating my pattern of trying to save people". You consciously realize you do have a pattern of trying to save people. Often such patterns are a direct result of needing to 'save yourself' from something or someone, from past experiences in your life {childhood often being that period of time}. Have you examined that part {childhood} of your life thoroughly?

As for the last part of this dream, about the mother tiger and her cubs. Could that be a comment about your own mother? What was that relationship like? Perhaps there was a lack of gentleness there. And of course the relationship with parents often carries over to how the child acts and reacts with their own children.

Let me know your response and perhaps we will be able to determine more of what the abusive nature in your life is really about? Again, to be self abusive requires a stimulus {unless there is a psychological disorder unrelated to past experiences}. Determining the roots of your self abusive nature is the most important step in resolving this personal crisis.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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