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I’ve had recurring dreams of the end of the world and a new world war since I was little. The older I get the worse they get, and the personal. All my dreams are from dusk to dawn. I’m always running away from someone or going to some where. I never get there and the older I get the closer the things chasing me get. I fear the day they catch me. When I do decide to stop running a man that has been in my dreams since child hood show up and yell at me to keep running. He tells me I must never stop or I will die. Some of these dreams are so bad that when I wake up I can still see them. I call them awaking dreams. I know I’m awake and I can see my room but the demons are still there, or the bodies are still there. All I can do is sit there on my bed and close my eyes and prey to god that they will be gone when I open my eyes. I’m a lucid dreamer and most of the time I can change the setting of the dream or make things happen. I’ve learned to throw fire balls (which is cool), make things appear when I need them, (like a sword or a gun other then it’s a sword more then a gun, but it never has any bullets). If I come cross water I have a fear of downing but yet breathing underwater is as easy as breathing air. I’ve had awaking dreams in all stages of sleep. I’ve had them right after I go to sleep hours after I go to sleep. I don’t know if it’s because I sleep walk that make sit possible. Doctors say that only children sleep walk but I’m still bad at it. What really has me upset is that I don’t have dreams about my house or my family. Maybe once every five years that I can remember. The other day I had a dram where there was a killer loose in the wood behind my parents house. We all told my mother that he was going to kill us all. She never believed us. We fought the killer until I killed him but I died myself (I’ve been killed many times in my dreams that’s one thing that they are wrong about. You don’t die in life when you die in your dreams). After killing the killer I walked upstairs to see mom drunk standing at the sink. She was in bad shape but considering she just lost two daughters, a son, a husband, a daughter in law, and a grand daughter. My aunt who has never been in a dream ever was there in the kitchen talking to my mom. I was shaking my mother to tell her to snap out of it. She was babbling that we were right and she should have listen to me when Alexis her granddaughter even told her she had a dream that we would all die. She said we all had the same dream she should have known. I told her to get over it she has a grandson she needs to take care of. She should be happy it was one that could carry on the family name. Mom started to cry. I told her I’d stay with her for a while to make sure everything goes ok. I grabbed the trash and packed it downstairs and headed toward the garage. Reaching the garage I saw moms car parked in the middle like it always was my Grandfather (who is really dead) was closest to me then my dad and a blur of people outside. (I’ve never really been able to see faces I’ve always had to go off feelings and I have one seen someone’s eyes twice in my life. Seeing eyes are a rarity). They had blue hue and were translucent. I knew I was dead but I still tried to open the door. Focusing really hard on the door knob I flung the door open and rushed out toward them. I was so excited to see my Grandfather and I thought to myself I was hoping I’d see him when I died. My grandfather brother and father headed toward the horse barn and they fussed at me for opening the door. They told me I was dead and didn’t need to open them any more and asked me to come with them. I told them that mom needs me and I’ll stay with her for a little while. At that point they vanished end of story. This is my first dream I can say in life that I started and finished. Even if it was a bad ending to me it was a fulfilling dream I mean how many people can say they finished a dream. Most people would say this is horrible and call my dreams nightmares but this was normal dream. My nightmare I can still feel the pain when I awake. My nightmares are still there even when I wake up and my eyes are open. My heart can’t race any faster and I’m shaking so bad that I can’t even light a cigarette. Most people have normal dreams of normal life. Mine are ways full of death, fear, things so evil that it would make most people go insane. I long for normal dreams that I get once in a blue moon and when I get them people in my dreams think I’m weird when I tell them this is a good dream I’m not going anywhere, and no one is chasing me this is nice (yes I know I’m dreaming in my dreams I’ll even tell the people in them the same thing or say “I’m dreaming I can do this because I can’t get in trouble in life because this doesn’t count” I hear dreams that people have all the time and would like to know why mine are so different and what this last dream is trying to tell me. I thank you for your time and feel free to e-mail me at

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 26 kentucky

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

Re: please help

My impressions are either you had a traumatic childhood full of bad experiences or there is a physical ailment that causes such dreams {chemical imbalance}. Dreams normally reflect your emotional life but if there is an imbalance it could alter your dreams. What is your emotional state of mind? Are you in therapy? Are you on any medications for depression {not that it has affected your dreams all your life}?

Answer this question. What was your childhood like? Since you have had these dream since childhood then that is where you should look to understand why. In your dreams you are running away from something and that would indicate you are running away from something in your life.

One aspect of your dreams that may be telling is you often end up killing the killer. That could very well symbolize you are killing something within yourself, or some past bad experiences is 'killing' you emotionally.

One statement I appreciate and may help others understand death in dreams {death usually means something in your life is coming to an end}. Many believe if you die in your dreams you will really die. Your experiences show that is not true.

Let me know your thoughts and perhaps we will be able to better understand these dreams.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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