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Meteorite Dream

My dream went like this: I was in my old room at my parents house (I have my own place now) With an acquaintance, I respect and love this person; but I have had trouble getting along with him in the past due to his self-importance, although; he is working hard to change that. No matter, there was no dialog between him and I in this dream, I merely remember him being in the room with me. I examined the clouds through the window, they were monstrous, moving incredibly fast and full of lightning. Then a line of fire came down to earth through a hole in the massive cloud layer, it struck the ground and exploded, the magnitude of the entire event was unlike anything I have witnessed in a dream before, another Meteorite (as I had deducted by then) came through the clouds, this one struck much, much closer; It was deafening, everything was shaking, At this point I ran to my parents room to wake them, It took longer than I expected, no more meteor strikes. They eventually arose, and I took them to the living room where we watched the settling dust from the massive impacts.

Thank you for your help.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 19, Canada

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Meteorite Dream

Could it be you are telling a bit insecure in your new surroundings, on your own and no longer under the protection of your parents? The massive meteor strikes end when you return to the safe haven of your parent's room.

As for your friend being a part of the dream. There is no communication between you and he and this may indicate he represents the conflict within yourself over your newly arrived independence {being away from home}.
There may also be an element of why you left, or were wanting to leave home within the dream. Were there conflicts, although looking back minor and benign, with your parents that made you want to move out on your own? The inner conflict may now be confronting you, your independence is not as secure as you thought and you may be longing for the security you had at home.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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