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witches and horses

ok so in my dream i was riding a horse with a lot of people in the medieval time. Like I came back from the future to help them. There were three witches chasing us on brooms. They were shooting 100s of arrows at us and each one came within an inch of the behind of my horse. They were non stop for a long time. People followed me amazed I was barley dodging them. I kept running faster. I knew that if I slowed down then I would get hit.

Then I just woke up.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18 san jose

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

Re: witches and horses

My impressions from the symbols is the dream is wishing to address strong emotions that probably relate to past experiences. Strong emotions that remain unresolved in the present. It would involve having to whether such emotions over a long period of time. You may still be running from these emotional experiences.

What those experiences are can be only be determined by you since they are personal {dreams don't often reveal personal experiences in direct terms}. One clue may be the arrows. It could those be the arrows of cupid?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: witches and horses

Hi Julie

There is an ancient wisdom that says; 'Messages or events that come in three's are worth noticing.' Whenever anything is mentioned three times it is a witness to us that these things are of utmost importance.
Three also symbolizes manifestation into the physical, Our physical reality is a three dimensional reality in which matter manifests itself into tangible things.

Witchs tend to portray the distorted face of the feminine, ie those witchs that we now encounter in our folklore and our fairy tales, they represent the 'ugly' side of our nature which has been deemed by society as something we should hide within ourselves, because it does not fit or it is not socially acceptable. Up until the 1800,s the church also persecuted many females in fact in Britain alone 10's of thousands of females were portrayed as being witchs and were either hung or burnt at the stake. This was in fact a religious cleansing of all those that had not turned to the christian ideolgys of the time, women were more naturally intuitive during this period and performed many beautiful ceremonies that expressed their harmony with the land and with their nature. They were also natural healers and this expression of the feminine side of human nature threatened the church and its masculine based concepts. Through the tyranny of the church the pagan religion known as wicca was demonised and they set out to instill fear in others that what these women did was evil and wicked.

Your dream seems to contain the message, (and messages always comes in three's) that you are running away from something that is essentially of your own nature and probably relates to your emotional self. These feelings for whatever they may be you have demonised, ie you see them in yourself as wicked or socially unacceptable. This is something we all tend to do and is an ingrained trait that runs within the collective masculine energetic, ie its a pattern of repressing our feminine self, our feeling and intuitive side of our natures.

Whatever these feelings may be they are targeting (arrows) your sense of personal power (horse
) or undermining it in some way. When we give our feelings honest and open expression what we realise is that they are not the ugliness we so often belive them to be but true expressions of our reactions to experiences whether recent or from the past. Giving our feelings scope in our lives is an act of honouring ourselves and a step towards loving ourself, not in a narcisstic way but in a way where we say hold on a minute it is OK to feel this, im not overreacting, or being a burden, I have not got to keep a polite smile and fight the good fight. Owning our feelings is about acknowledging oneself. Give yourself space to slow down and find out whats going on inside for as long as you keep dodging any uncomfortable circumstances that you find yourself in you will continue to 'create'(power of three) them out of these unexpressed emotions.

I hope this helps, Its just my take on things, use what works for you Good Luck

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36 UK

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: witches and horses

thank you very much. You were very helpful.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18 san jose

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? witches and

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