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High Vibrational Sound/Energy

I am laying in my bed listening to one of Adyashanti’s (a teacher of non-dualism who came up in the Zen tradition) DVD talks on ‘What is Real?’ I fall to sleep and become aware of an energy of a very high pitched sound and vibration. The sound is of, ‘eeeeeeeee.’ It enters me through my sexual organ. At first, not centered directly in front of the opening of my vagina, but some bit higher. As the energy touches/enters me, I become lucid/awake and can see and hear the program on my television playing beyond the foot of my bed. My body is some like being paralyzed, surrendered to the energy. My whole body fills with the sound and vibration of the energy. It moves up the central channel of my body, exiting the crown. As it moves into my head and brow, my mind half wonders if this is the same death wave of energy that earlier visited me in my dream state. I surrender the thought. It becomes more focused, centered on the opening of my vagina. I feel surface heat on the outer tissues of my vagina and wonder some of the intensity of the energy. The energy continues to run through me for several moments. As the vibration of energy slows to a stopping, I imagine the lips of a man gently kissing the folds of skin of my vagina. I then briefly see (imagine) a very handsome face with short, dark, brown hair looking up at me, before the experience is over. I rise from my bed after a moment. I am very ‘wet.’


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Re: High Vibrational Sound/Energy

Let me digest this dream and do some exploration of possible metaphysical associations. The fact you were listening to Adyashanti’s meditation DVD may have an influence on the dream. Meditation prior to sleep can have such an influence.

And then there would be the sexual aspect. Something that needs some real thought.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

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Re: High Vibrational Sound/Energy

Hi Gerard,

I look forward to your response.

It might be helpful for me to share that just the day before this dream I ended an association with a group (of persons) that did not feel authentic to my Self. I felt that I was giving my power away to them, their intent, dreams and vision verses what is important to my own heart and soul - and was very much concerned with releasing that experience and re-aligning to my Self.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 42, USA

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Re: High Vibrational Sound/Energy

Unless there are sexual aspects in your life that may have priority in emotional term, I see the vagina symbol as a acknowledgement of your feminine aspects. There does seem to be an element of sexual associations at the end of the dream and that may have some true meaning in your waking life. But I see the primary focus on the inner life with perhaps a secondary focus on the outer romantic life.

Surrendering to the feminine energy seems to be the primary theme to your dream. And what is that feminine energy? Individually it may vary but collectively it is about spirit. And meditation {Zen} on the spirit is something very prevalent in your life, and thus would be prevalent in your dreams. And your meditation practices could easily lend themselves to the dream language.

There is a strong element of the kundalini in your dream reflected by the dream language {My whole body fills with the sound and vibration of the energy. It moves up the central channel of my body, exiting the crown. As it moves into my head and brow, my mind half wonders if this is the same death wave of energy that earlier visited me in my dream state. I surrender the thought}. That part is most likely due to your meditation principles and the fact you were listening to Adyashanti’s DVD.

As to the last part of the dream. The element of romantic interests only you can address. As for the metaphors represented by the dream language, the surrender of the masculine to the feminine principle would fit here. a man gently kissing is the submission. In Western philosophies it is the masculine that is supreme. But in the East, and the collective psyche, it is the feminine that is either equal or supreme.

But the last statement can not be overlooked, I am very ‘wet.’ If there are sexual or romantic aspects then I see it as intertwined with metaphysical aspects.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

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Re: High Vibrational Sound/Energy

Hi Gerard,

This is helpful.

What immediately jumps out at me is the mention of the masculine surrendering to the feminine. In the past weeks, I became acutely aware of the left-sided aspect of my mind/brain. I half thought I had a being in me I did not know. "Goodness," I said, "Is this really me?" The left half of my head was as with a constant pressure, whereas the right half of my head was clear, free, open. When I would close my eyes, I observed how the left half of my brain did not want to go to sleep. It was always watching, thinking, interpreting, analyzing, reasoning. It was a pure masculine energy of logic and reason, whereas I could sense, feel and appreciate that the right side of my brain was fluid, receptive and vast. It was a real experience of witnessing these two aspects. There has since been what feels to be a movement of greater harmony between these two sides of my nature.

But let me contemplate more before I answer further.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 42, USA

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Re: High Vibrational Sound/Energy

Hi Kristi

Just to add that when read through your dream I got the impression it was a very healing dream, and a lot has been shifting for you energetically.

Sound has been used in healing for eons, each sound resonating with a specific chakra, and when chanted cleanses the chakra of all blockages.

The Point of percieved entry of the vibration appears to be through your sacral chakra, the physical organs of the body that are nourished by the energy of this chakra are your sexual organs, lower intestine, lower vertebrae, pelvis, apendix and bladder.

The sacral chakra is about relationships, the relationship we have with ourselves, which is ultimately reflected in the relationship we have with others. When the energy in this chakra flows freely we ourselves adapt to life in a fluid way spontaneous in our expression of creativity, and expressing a sense of ease in our relationships with ourselves, others and our sexuality.

It is also the chakra of duality where the masculine and feminine energy within our consciousness merges, when in harmony the outward manifestation of this chkra reflects itself in a harmonious relationship that we will attract into our lives, amrriage and sexual union are both potent symbols of this sense of harmony. Disharmony occurs when we internalise the negative messages from those around us which undermine us and adversely affect the way we relate to ourselves and others.

When making choices 'masculine' that HONOUR our feelings 'feminine' this coupling is reflected energeticaly at the level of the sacral chakra we come more into relationship with ourselves, as a consequence issues are cleared at the sacral chakra allowing for a freer flow of energy through our system. In our dreams making such choices and honouring 'masculine' our feelings are reflected by dreaming of a new male, either through sexual union or harmonious relationship, both suggest how we have come into being with ourselves.

The sound EEEE is a sound/vibration which is high pitched, relates to the crown chakra, though im not sure if this is the sound your referring to, for some examples of the seven toning sounds for the main chakras follow this link -

As this clearing takes place within your energy system, you become lucid awake, which is what happens when we clear issues we 'awaken' to another level of consciousness at this point your dream suggests that you become aware of the 'program' on your television this part of the dream points to the issue at hand the 'program' you are clearing, we all have our programs our habitual tendencies that we 'learn', and this particular program it seems has been one that has been blocking you at the sacral. Do you recall the program, if not it may be just alluding symbolically to the issue at hand. We dont always have to learn from dreams, dreams tend to reflect what is happening for us energeticaly at any given moment, and your dream is enough to show you what is happening at a higher level to you when you make changes within, from this we can learn that our gross physical existence isnt all it appears to be, but at our heart we are wonderfully and beautiful expressions of light and energy which manifests into what our physical forms are. Our bodys are but expressions of our consciousnes and our physical imbalances are but blockages in the flow of our energetic beings.

The flow of energy along the spine or ida and pingla channels as they are known in the hindu scriptures shows the reales of thsi energy and the connection to the crown energy which is a higher aspect of consciouness at the level of the sacral we are in duality as we move up the spinal column the chakras centres express more refined states of consciousness, at the level of the heart when we are clear here our naturalk expression is that of unconditional love which trancends all power struggles and loving unconditionaly which means to love without condition, This is something all human beings aspire too few only glimpse this stage from time to time for the most part humanity is still operating from the solar plexus energy, though with the change from the piscean age to the age of aquarius we are being forced to clear all conflicts of the heart and the lower three chakras so that our consciousness rises to the level of the heart. Many of our heart issues are cleared through forgivness. The crown chakra being the highest physicval chakra so to say is a state of consciousness which reflects divine union at this level we experience a complete merging with the oneness of the divine. Just some food for thought Hope I havent rambled too much.
Good luck

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36 UK

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Re: High Vibrational Sound/Energy

Gerard, Marce:

Thank you.

Though I look forward to a fulfilling relationship, there is now only a caller and a couple in the recent past, but none that I am/have been intimately (sexually) related with (or entertained sexual fantasy about).

The kundalini has been an active theme in my life for the past seven years, a spontaneous awakening of this being what has driven my entry onto a healing path.

It is now greatly an inner world focus, and the change occurring within is beginning to come to expression and appreciation more in my outer world. And I am filled with waves of gratitude, for life.

Right now, life really is a great unknown to me. That is the view I feel I need to hold, so the surrender aspect fits, on multiple levels.

Given my full time academic schedule (academics being some challenging to me right now in light of the changes occurring in the way I relate with the world) and the number of hours I continue to keep in employment, my meditation practice is currently mostly an active one of contemplation and constant surrendering to 'what is' before me, with little sitting meditation being done. I do feel I need to allow/make time for more inner centering, and having mentioned the busyness of my schedule is really just an excuse not to be doing so.

I mentioned having just left the company of a group I was associated with in favor of 'honoring' my inner being, so what is shared regarding honoring one's feelings is very apt. For weeks, my inner intuitions/feelings about this external world association were calling me...and having made the choice to leave their company, it is much like a coming home to me. There is a love growing inside that is very beautiful and very heart centered, where the appreciation for my own being is reflected in seeing and appreciating the being in others. It's a love that just is...not at all contrived...we can't make this kind of love up...the mind cannot do it. In many moments, it feels something so much greater than me looks through my eyes, a quality of compassion I once only dreamed of.

Yes, Marce, it is the 'eeeee" sound associated with the crown chakra to which I referred. I have had spontaneous meditation experiences with this vibration in the past and I do have one piece on CD (by Johnathan Goldman) that is for toning the chakras, but it has been some time since I worked with it. I do still occasionally tone my chakras when in the shower/bath and have infrequently used toning in the past to help with healing and releasing emotional issues.

The 'program' that was playing when I came to wakefulness with this experience was the end of Adyashanti's dharma talk. He was wrapping up a dialogue with a questioner about 'what is real,' attempting to point her away from identification with the stories of her mind and toward the ultimate reality. And Adyashanti himself is certainly a man who has surrendered to the feminine aspect of life.

The image of the man I saw at the end did have the quality of being like a 'new' being. The image was not of any recognizable person in my life. Hmmm... that line of thought takes me back to the dream experience I mentioned in my initial post of this experience. In that dream (that I described as the death wave), a wave of energy ascended my being and as it did so, I felt only a supreme peace and stillness in my soul, a feeling of my essence as being timeless and unfettered by the temporal nature of life and all its happenings, BUT my mind was in fear and questioning this energy that was moving through me. As that wave of energy passed, I then saw the form of a man appearing in light from out of the darkness/void as I heard a voice say, 'this is a man of new humanity.' I recall my analyst then suggesting the experience was heralding the development of my animus

No, not too much rambling, Marce, I really appreciate the input of you each.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 42, USA

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Re: High Vibrational Sound/Energy

Hi Kristi thanks for the feedback, Your honesty is much appreciated and the warmth in your words very inspiring. I never cease to be amazed by the healing experiences that come through our dreams, and the openess we can achieve by trusting in them.


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Re: High Vibrational Sound/Energy

Hi Marce,

You're welcome. I do my best to be honest with my self. I believe it is very important to be brutally honest, though not always easy when there are things we may at first not want to see.

What you had shared regarding not internalizing the negative (or otherwise) projections of others really helped me to understand what was occurring in my movement away from the group I was sharing with. It was very much a matter of my saying, I cannot and will not live another's want or projection/dream of me. Folks are comfortable when they can define us by wrapping us up, defined into some conceptual box of their perception. And while some of it may be accurate in description, I find this kind of thinking is often very limited - and that, for many, it is often a subtle form of control that they themselves may not be consciousbly aware of. You know how we feel safer when we think we 'know.' I've done this one many times over. I was then, with this group, going through this process of seeing and acknwledging, "I am not this, I am not that," ... not what another would have me to be. They say we come to know who and what we are by coming to see who and what we are not (of course, this is a lot of work to do!). It is a time of finding what is authentic for me, my authentic expression.

And, remarkably, my relatedness and openness with males is also greatly changing.

Thanks again, Marce,

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