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New school?

I had this dream several days ago, but have been unable to come one here due to my overwhelming school schedule(I think it may be relevant to my dream)

In my dream, I found myself transferred to a new school. This new school was extremely large, and made of bricks of a gray colour. I walked inside and couldn't find my way around, it seemed a bit labyrinthian. I got to what seemed like a sort of information desk, but there were only students who were smoking or filing their nails annoyingly sitting there. I asked them if they could help me find my way to my next class, and for some reason I found it necessary to tell them that my brothers went to the school as well, and after naming my brothers to them, they kind of chuckled and sneered at me. Then some guy came up to me, and without saying anything led me away, he looked a bit afraid of something. After a while of walking around, I lost sight of him and ended up wandering around the school again. I came to a dark winding staircase that went down into a very long corridor. At the end of the corridor I saw a light coming from a doorway. I went towards it thinking it might be the classroom I was looking for(strange place for a classroom, I might add) and when I finally got to the room, I stepped into the room to see if it was my classroom. After stepping inside, I realized it was not the classroom I was looking for so I began to make my way out of the classroom, but suddenly it became very hard to walk and I could hardly move out of the classroom, but finally I got one foot over the threshold and suddenly I fell forward at normal speed and practically fell on my face.

I feel this dream might be relevant to the stress I've been experiencing with my schoolwork or the stress I've been having with looking for and applying to colleges, but I'm not sure what.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 17, Colorado

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: New school?

"I walked inside and couldn't find my way around, it seemed a bit labyrinthian". Going inside in a dream is most always a metaphor for going within yourself. So there is a search for guidance and instead there is the usual confusion. This part of the dream could be addressing your search for a college as well as trying to find time and energy to fit everything in.

And there is the guy who is leading you. This probably represents masculine qualities {your masculine qualities} that you have lost sight of at times in your school endeavors. There is an insecurity about this masculine aspect {he looked a bit afraid of something} which may be identifying personality traits {are you a bit insecure type person?}.

Then there is the downward staircase which would symbolize going deeper within yourself for answers. This in my mind would go to your desire for finding that thing that truly fits who you are and what best would fulfill those desires of personal growth. And again there is doubt, unsure where to go next and perhaps an insecurity in making the right decision.

The dream could very well be a product of the stresses from your schedule and desire to find a good college. But it seems to also portray personality traits that expose insecurities. Dreams deal with everyday stresses but will also go to the root of those principles that make up who you are. There may be a need to be less fearful of your decisions {better utilizing your masculine qualities}.

The positive aspect of the dream is you are indeed searching for what is best and not what is convenient. As long as you stay that course you will most likely do the right thing.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: New school?

Oh yeah, that actually makes a lot more sense than the school one. I have been going through a lot of personal issues as of late.

Funny how it could mean so many things, all of which are giving me a hard time.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 17, Colorado

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: New school?


I hope that no one minds if I make a couple of comments on this dream.

I’m not sure if I can add very much to Gerald’s interpretation but I figured that I’d give it a try.

I’ve noticed that the color gray has come up in a few different dreams. Based on the dream, I often interpret it as being “gray matter” – that is, the brain or the spinal fluid.

The school that you are in is similar to the school of life. Unfortunately, the school is like a labyrinth. This particular school may symbolize your unconscious. Thus, it may be a school to help you learn how to find your way inside the unconscious.

The loitering students are probably archetypes from your unconscious. To me, the implication is that their behavior is one reason for your having problems at this school. Your brothers and the other males may be symbols of the animus.

The downward winding staircase sounds like it is a way to the lesser known regions of the unconscious. If the gray color is a symbol of the brain/spine, then the downward winding staircase would be one of the major nadis that are located near the spine. The ida and pingala nadis spiral around the sushumna, which is in the center.

The room with all of the lights could be a safe place, which would be a place of safety that the dreamer can go to if the exploration of this lower world is too stressful. However, if we still use the symbolism of the spine, then this room would be at the base of the spine. This would be the source of the psychic energy called kundalini. The room would be the kunda part of kundalini. “Kunda means bowl, or cave, and refers to the bowl of fire of consciousness resting in the first chakra at the base of the spine. Lini refers to that which resides in that bowl. Kundala means coiled, as the Shakti forms in a coil there.”

Hope this helps.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 64, USA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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