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Water Dreams

Well here I am again. Another symbol that has been in my dreams for many years. The snake. I was with a group of people and we passed a large wooden box with glass. On the top shelf was a huge albino snake. We could only see the body. The people I was with were in a hurry to walk by, they were afraid, I was wondering if it was a reticulating python or an anaconda, it did not look like a boa. The lady whose house it was said " Pia let's take the snake out." I was so excited, I opened the door and as soon as I touched it it yielded to me, it felt so good to hold a snake again, it was very heavy I kept pulling the body, I was wondering if when I saw the head it would coil around and strike. I started to wake up and was saying in my dream please let me see the face. I never got it fully out. I wrote down" Take the nature out of our pets" Thank you for any im put at any time, I have been working for 3 months on the road and just now getting back in touch with my self and dreams... Pia

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 45 Pacifica Ca

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Re: Water Dreams

I'll give your dream a deeper look this weekend. And I will reviewed your original Water Dreams post for possible reference to this dream. But at first glance one may want to examine the Freudian possibilities {sexual}. It does require an attitude of openness about sexual themes but much of the language in your dream and the flow of the speech could be seen as undeniable Freudian.

But a deeper look may discard that possibility. If you are familiar with Eastern philosophies and/or on that 'spiritual' or path of personal growth, snake could fit with that. I can see possibilities of that in the dream language, the coiled snake, reference the kundalini.

Also reference Joseph Campbell's Transformations of Myth Through Time,

108) From Psychology to Spirituality: Kundalini Yoga, Part I
Campbell discusses the purpose and extent of the Tantra system against the background of the Raja theory of Pantanjali. He also presents other types of Yoga


109) From Psychology to Spirituality: Kundalini Yoga, Part 1I
Through the study of elaborate artwork, Campbell portrays the full Chakra system of Kundalini Yoga and compares it with modem Western psychology and Christian concepts.

for a thorough understanding of Kundalini yoga.
Snake in Eastern philosophies is a common symbol for transforamtions in life. The ultimate transforming stage in life the is at mid-life.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Water Dreams

Thanks for your quick reply. I am going through a time of healing , commitment to a path, still open to growth. I related to possible hidden fears, spiritual growth, not quite sure about dangerous and forbidden sexuality,but hey, I am in the prime of my life in many ways so I'll look into Freud also, Thanks again...Pia

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 45 Pacifica Ca

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Water Dreams

Since you do not have any conscious associations with the sexual possibilities then we should look to your inner search as the focus of the dream. The snake in Eastern philosophies is a strong symbol of transformations in life. Not only to your inner search perhaps the overall mid-life stage you are at in life. Boxes are square and the 4 sides equate to harmony and balance in life. Glass is something you see through and when one undertakes the task of the inner search certain realizations about self and life become clearer. And with that comes transformations. What was once unconscious becomes conscious {'transparent', as in albino}.
But to confront the unconscious is a fearful thing {a hurry to walk by, they were afraid}.

Note: this is the primary story of the hero/heroine in myth, confrontation with the unconscious conflicts in life.

Will those unresolved issues in your life that are stored away in the unconscious 'swallow' you up when realized {repressed contents becoming wholly conscious} or will there be a healing? Not to be afraid, taking the snake out of the box, this is the renewal of spirit, a realization of the greater self within. A transformation from 'body' to spirit, where the spiritual and creative Self controls your life and not the obsessions of the body {We could only see the body}. The yielding is to the spirit, the soul.

But the path is never ending and there is still much to be reconciled in life {the dear of whether it would coil around and strike}. The desire to see the face is that inner most desire to be your true self, seeing your true face absent the control of the ego. The task is to learn to let go, and use the force {as in Star Wars-another is let go and let God}. Beyond religion, it is the spiritual aspect that provides true harmony and balance to life.

As for the last dream statement, "Take the nature out of our pets". Perhaps it is addressing the nature of our pets, especially dogs who give unconditional love to their masters. I sometimes look at my pets {I have a slew of cats and one dog} and wish I could be so yielding. And without our pets {children in their own right}, life would be for many, unbalanced.
Do you have pets?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Water Dreams

Thank you so much, this has been an amazing week for me in my dedication to a path I have been afraid to take, because it is unknown, like the face of the snake. My fear that I may get bitten or accepted. I am willing to apply the knowledge and ask for help along the way. I will sit with your interpretation and use this vivid dream time for self growth and discovery. I was not able to listen to my dreams when I was traveling to a new city every night for 3 months and was really challenged to the core of my being and think that woke me up alot P.S. I have a 20 pound black cat named Felix who is quite a character. I also had a 13 foot Boa when my daughter was born 23 years ago. Many thanks... Pia

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 45 Pacifica Ca

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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