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Restaurant, Caged Cats, Grandma


So, here's my dream:

I was supposed to take my boyfriend's family to dinner, then I invited them, but let them waiting.

Once I was sure they would wait all night for nothing, I climbed up the stree on foot.

On the way, I spotted a lost cat on the street. I thought she was mine, but then I realized she wasn't. That's when a young man came along and said that she was his and then he showed my his house, full of caged cats all over the place.

I got terrified and left to get home as soon as possible to see if my own cats were ok.

On the way, a male nurse phoned me, telling me that my grandma was dying. So, I changed courses to where she was.

Once she saw me, she said she was alright, she was very happy to see me. She was beautiful, but dying, anyway.

So, that's the dream. It felt quite intense.
Can't wait to read your thoughts about it.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 26/ Brazil

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Re: Restaurant, Caged Cats, Grandma

My impressions of your dream is you have unconscious negative feelings about your bf's family, an intuitive feeling that you may be ignoring. You may be holding in those feelings. The cats would symbolize your 'intuitive' self and your grandmother would represent 'innate wisdom' having to do with intuitiveness.
Is there hidden or intuitive feelings about members of your bf's family?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Restaurant, Caged Cats, Grandma

Hi, G!

I discovered they actually do not approve my personal values and lifestyle as well as I realized that I don't approve theirs. So, I decided not to spend time with them anymore.

It's amazing how our mind and body know it all before we do! If I could spot the real truth, the real feelings underneath, without having to trick my mind a bit, things would be so easier. But not realizing these things you call it "denial", right?

Thank you very much!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 26/ Brazil

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