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This is my first time sharing my dreams in this form, but I have had this dream so long that I may need some help understanding it. I am in a car driving down the highway and slowly things start to become dark until finally it is completely dark and I am scared but not panicked. I try to slow down some and stick my hand out of the window to make sure I dont hit someone else's car because now I dont know whether I am going in the right direction or if I am facing traffic head on. Again I feel scared but now panicked. I just keep driving and trying to make sure I dont hit anyone else, I cant see anything, my breathing is getting deeper and I am struggling to wake up or keep the car out of danger. This is really scary when I wake up I feel weak, nervous and out of breath. Can anyone help me with this dream?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 33 Charlotte NC

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? no

Re: dream

Hi Tia,
The first thing to understand about dreams is they are about you and your life. Driving down a highway is traveling down the road of life. The pressures and stresses of life cause us to worry whether we are going in the right direction, whether the decisions we make are correct, makes us afraid we may hit something that will cause conflict and disruption of our normal life routine. The road you are traveling in your dreams is your path in life except it is in metaphor and symbol.

If this was a single dream and not recurring then it probably was addressing concerns about your life when you had the dream. You probably were at a stage of important transformations where you were not sure of the direction to take and there was a fear you would hit something {metaphorically speaking} that would get in the way of your desires for life. It may be you were at a time when you really needed to face those difficult decisions 'head on'. The dangers in life are the fears we have about the future.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: dream

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