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I was with my family on vacations in some quite ugly mediterannean town. I was walking through some little shops alone, then my father was suddenly beside me, telling me that mum has called and said I should return. I went back with him (I had no idea where I was), and then he turned right into a big, stuffed and somehow neglected supermarket. We squeezed through the shelves to the wall, there were small doors and a very dark hallway, and suddenly we were in some sort of a monastery atrium. It started snowing, it was stuffed with what seemed like students, the buildings were old and made of dark stone, and it was so beautiful I couldn't think of anything else. Then we went past a massive fountain, climbed up a staircase and obviously my mother was in church, because we were intended to go there. Everything looked very very old, like taken from 11th century or so. The church was dark brown, standing on the other side of the square, straight ahead and it was still snowing. Dad was ahead of me, and then the church dissapeared like it was never there, and over the edge where it stood, a river flowed through the city (which stopped being mediterannean a long time ago ...), and the person, who was supposed to be my father if we followed the story but just didn't look like him anymore, jumped over the edge. I came there and looked down onto the river -- the colour was light, pale turquise. I said to myself I will jump too and then I will be free.

I jumped and I was falling and falling but never fell, feeling touched by the beautiful snowy scenes before and the feeling of freedom. Then I woke up.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 17, Europe

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} F

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Re: atrium

Have you engaged in some type of soul searching having to do with your parents? Is there a choice of following one parent or the other? Has your father changed in ways you no longer recognize him? I sense emotions are at a high over this issue in your life and it may be causing you to feel depressed. Are things going well at home or not?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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