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Spear and Stone

These images are not from dreams in my sleep state, but ones that came spontaneously during meditative moments.

The spear: I was experiencing a great amount of awareness that felt too large for my small personal self. I lay down on my couch in surrender, focusing only on presence and non-attachment to known mind aspects. In a few moments time, there came the image of a man launching a spear at me. It startled me.
This was some few months ago.

The stone: Recently, feeling in a some similar state as I lay to sleep one evening, I was presented with a repeating (as if wanting to be sure I would not ignore it) image of a monolith stone. There was nothing 'spectacular' about the stone - no engravings or shapely form to woo-woo over, but the presence of the symbol was unmistakable, come before my eyes as real and large as life. It was huge and there was a feeling essence as if I'd been presented with something ancient.

The stone image brought to mind two earlier dreams. One shared here several months ago wherein I journeyed into an archeological space and was met with a talking skull and wild boar. But it also brings to mind another dream wherein I see an ancient circular stone wall erected in the ocean, from which I see aspects of self going out from and returning again and again, into the center of the circle. The waters of the ocean are contained both within the circular formation as well as without. I have the feeling sense it is like a tower constructed in the waters of the ocean. It was constucted also of very large stones.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 42, Kansas, USA

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Re: Spear and Stone

I take it both of these images appear when you were laying down to take a nap. The question is do you enter REM sleep during these naps? It is during REM sleep we do most of our dreaming and the time I believe we have 'archetypal' images appear in our dreams. The science is still out on this matter but I have read we can enter REM sleep within 15 minutes of falling to sleep. If we assume these images are products of REM sleep then the dream is doing its job as it odes during night time slumber. That would the dreams more meaningful.

The spear can be a symbol of 'piercing' through the unconscious. The man would represent your masculine self. Your reaction may be as meaningful as is the symbols.

The stone is a symbol of strength {monolith is a block of stone}. Unremarkable it may be something you unknowingly possess. Being ancient it may be related to deep unconscious qualities.

The stone and spear together may represent a need or desire to pierce into the deeper self to access those masculine strengths that may be under utilized.

Dreaming of something ancient means that you give matters in life the respect it deserves

If indeed your 'nap' dreams are providing the same therapeutic affect of normal dreams then putting the above together may suggest there is a need to access those masculine qualities of strength and apply them to your waking life. The other 'stone' dream could fit with this possibility, '
another dream wherein I see an ancient circular stone wall erected in the ocean
'. The need/desire for wholeness {circular} may rely on better utilizing your masculine qualities.

Does that fit with your personality?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

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Re: Spear and Stone

Hi Kristi

The symbols that come to us during those meditative moments can very much be looked at in the way one would look at dream symbology. Our higher mind/self often communicates to us in such ways and for many of us is how our intutive self recives such guidance/information.

In fact life itself when viewed through the lens of awareness becomes symbolic and in its truest form mirrors back to us our own consciousness, and enmeshed within our waking life is a reality that goes much unheeded. Jung discovered this when treating a woman of a very rational nature, he was becoming increasingly frustrated with being unable to make progress with her when one day she came to him with a dream about a scarab beetle, Jung was wandering if such a symbol was suggesting that she was about to undergo a psychological rebirth, when he heard a noise at the window on opening it a golds green scarab beetle flew in, as Jung put forward his analysis of the dream the woman was so stunned at this remakable 'coincidence' that she set aside her rational mindset and began to respond to therapy in way she had been unable to before.

Jung encountered many coincidences during the many seesions he had with clients and noticed that the coincidences came to awareness for the individual during times of intense emotional change and transformation, he also noticed that these meaningful events and syncronicity happened during a time when a new insight was surfacing within his patient's awareness and in cases such as the above facilitated a patients healing.

When encountering such symbols that come to us as flashes during our meditation they often come with a potent message, I have found through my own experience that I will also encounter the same symbols in my waking life just prior to or after the experience, often confirming my need to take heed of such messages. These symbols may come to me in waking life through a converstaion with a friend, reading a book or coming accross it in some other way, through honing our awareness we can become more responsive to this enmeshed higher reality that exists within our own physical reality. Dreams also serve to bring in certain energies and when encountering an image whether through meditation or waking syncronicitys a remembering of such a dream can be evoked. On the other hand it may be the dream is coming to awareness as another confirmation of a particular symbol that your higherself is imparting to you at this time to bring you Love/wisdom as appropriate.

To understand the context of the symbol it often helps to reflect on what sort of intentions you had prior to the meditations or meditative experience, and also to be aware of what you are working on within self at the time of such intuitive flashes. In this context the meanings can be more aptly unravelled as they serve you.

Stones have a depth of symbolic significance, especially in spiritual terms, as many ancient cultures utilized stones in mysterious energetic ways affording some type of nurturing or sustenance to ancient peoples, as well as somehow acting as toning or sound vibration transmitters. And these stones often referred to beliefs or worship of a "Divine Mother" or female God. There is also something called the Mother Stone, the search for which can be likened to the search for the Holy Grail. Many of the stone structures that have been built by our ancestors were placed at particular sacred sites that acted as a reciever to anchor the light at ceratin points within the earths etheric body. Stones also energetically carry the function to hold and store information/wisdom which can be accessed during meditation, when you wrote your that you had felt you had been presented with something ancient and that it had a feeing presence this is what clicked for me, its as if you gained access or 'downloaded' information/wisdom that had ancient origins.

Archeological symbols/spaces in dreams can denote a number of things; a path of discovery in the present by investigating the past, drawing on the ancient wisdom of the past in a current time of healing.

Just some food for thought hope you can take something from it.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36 UK

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Re: Spear and Stone

Hi Gerard,

I was not ‘napping’ on either occasion. In both instances, I was fully 'awake.’ For the first, my only intent with laying down was to ‘center‘ for a few moments time. I lay there not more than 10-15 minutes, total. The second image came only moments after having laid in the bed to sleep on one evening. Unless I am exhausted, which was not the case on this evening, I rarely fall immediately to sleep. I am finding various images increasingly come to me in my waking state. An example would be my having had a pronounced image of being in my car, about to have a car wreck, which I surely did not understand, as there truly were no signs in my life to attribute this image to. It’s meaning became clear when a day and a half later I found (when driving down the highway to campus) I had only one lug nut left holding one of my front tires on. The gentleman who had recently serviced my brakes at the garage failed to tighten all of them. My greatest sense is that the spear does have to do with consciousness/higher aspects of mind - that are entering my life in a more pointed/focused way. My startle response is one that says, “I don’t know if I am ready for this.” It brings to mind how often I have remarked to my analyst that I continue to pray to know what to do with all that is given to me - my creative expression (art and poetry) has helped to contain or channel much of the symbols/energy that come to me. I feel our dreams and symbols speak on multiple levels, and all of this does speak to the need to allow/integrate more of my masculine aspects in my life. Thank you for that. As I read your response, I felt this was ‘key.’ While my personality is predominantly assertive in nature (being a double Aries), I do feel a need to incorporate my masculine qualities in a new way. In the earlier dream of the circular formation in the ocean, from which I see aspects of self going and coming back to center, they are all masculine characters. Given the ocean can be said to be symbolic of the collective unconscious (among other things), I sensed that dream to be speaking of how my psyche was collecting it self - doing the work to ‘return to center.’ I have long believed that the psyche was a self organizing facility. The ocean is also a very feminine principle, giver of all of life on earth (another Great Mother aspect) and is symbolic of soul and wisdom. There was a much earlier dream in my journey wherein I am standing in the waters on the shores of the ocean and am collecting various artifacts being carried in to me by the tide. There was only one item I did not keep - a mask - which I placed back into the waters. I see the later dream as a development of this earlier one. I'll say more around the spear and stone symbols when I respond to Marce's input. He put forth some insightful lines of inquiry, too.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 42, Kansas, USA

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Re: Spear and Stone


Is there a way for users to post an image in the dream forum threads? I thought I would like to post a piece of art that is related to the stone symbol. I will speak to it when I respond to Marce's input, but you know the old saying, 'a picture is worth a thousand words.'


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 42, Kansas, USA

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Re: Spear and Stone

Hi Marce,

I recall having read the piece about Jung and the woman and scarab beetle. And I appreciate that you shared it here, again, as a reminder, for this is important for me right now. I actually am and have always been a very intuitive person, but for the various reasons created in our societal structure, I did not learn to trust my intuitions. Indeed, as a child (like many children), I did not learn to trust my own feelings. One of the first things my analyst shared with me when meeting her was that, “You are a flaming intuitive,” something I did not then recognize in my own self, for my rational and analytical nature always argued with my intuitions. It is not something I have studied from an academic perspective, but she has, and she suggested to me that the most intuitive are also often always the most rational. Looking back on this of my nature, I think my logical approach is what helped me to categorize/organize the flood of information that always came in the lesser than concrete ways. In any event, it is what we are taught to do (to ignore the feeling body), being we learn that the rational mind is supreme. And my early life circumstance gave me extra reason to ignore my feeling body.

I agree that life becomes likened to one big mirror of our consciousness. This has been a bit astonishing for me to see and come to terms with, for it means, among other things, accepting full responsibility for our selves, for all of our projections. I did a piece of art around this, too. A form of mandala, of corkscrewing (spiraling) flowers. An image that was presented to me, with much energy, when looking (no less than) into the mirror one day.

You’ve said much that is helpful. Thank you

Both of these symbols feel to come with potent messages, for they came with a release of much energy/libido.

The image of the spear came to me after having read some information concerning the ‘path of destiny,’ being on one’s path of destiny, fulfilling one’s creative impulse. There was a process of spontaneous (intuitive) contemplation occurring within me during the moments of my reading. Such a moment when what one is reading/hearing is really ‘speaking’ to them, on deep levels. I had for weeks been experiencing a sense of greatly increased awareness of the ‘whole,’ or unified nature of things. An uncontrived process of surrender was (and has been) occurring within me. I feel to be letting go of the small, personal self. Anyhow, it was after this reading that there was a magnified release of energy (consciousness) within me, necessitating my need to lay down and center for some moments. And suddenly, then, the spear. When I researched the image, I came upon the ‘spear of destiny’/Holy Lance (associated with the Holy Grail).

It felt to fit, for I felt ‘pierced.’ There is what is like a quickening occurring in my heart center.

The image of the stone, I only realized when posting of it here in the dream forum, came to me on the evening after having last met with my analyst. It is important to me that I did not make this connection until now (later), as it shows the coming of the image was not contrived by me. What we talked about that day… The rubedo/the philosopher’s stone. There is a piece of art I completed last year, of another spontaneous image that came to me (again with the release of much energy) in my waking state. It reflects the Axis of Self. I’ll send this to you and Gerard via email. I presented her with a framed copy of it as a gift. It is displayed in her office and has been as a precursor (if you will) for my work with her. It shows the stage of rubedo. It is an image that came to me whole. I needed add no creative details to it.

When I saw this stone, it was very profound and with much feeling energy, like a ‘living’ symbol. I am going to have to put it to (art) form, too. This is important for me, as I wholeheartedly believe that we take the journey not for our selves, but for the whole, and the gift is what we bring back to share with others, the world - my art is one way for me to do this.

I don’t understand it all yet, how it will continue to take shape and form in my life, and that’s okay. I’ll continue to rest in the unknown and trust the heart wisdom that guides my way. But I definitely feel I am in a process of rebirth, after much hard work.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 42, Kansas, USA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Spear and Stone

To add an image to a tread use this code
< img src="" >

Add the link {it must be from a link from a website}
Example, the photo of Carl Jung above is located at
Place that link between the quotation marks " ".

Here it is how it will look
< img src="" >

You will get this as a result

I had to space the < & > symbols to be able to get the image code in type. Do not space when you add a photo or image.

To determine the URL link:
place your mouse over the image and right click. Click on properties and copy. Paste that in the tread.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

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Re: Spear and Stone

Thanks, Gerard. Let's see if I can get it to show...


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 42, Kansas, USA

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How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Spear and Stone

Trying again. Yeah! It worked this time!


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 42, Kansas, USA

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