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The Edge of the World

I had figured out what was needed to be done! At a certain conjuncture, where an tribe was planning a secret ambush to move forward, it occurred to me that what would result from that would be a win for one single day. Then there would be far fewer people in the tribe due to casualties, followed by great animosity and warfare long into the future. My thought came in an instantaneous flash. Instead of a secret ambush, we could gently approach the next tribe and suggest we all move forward together, going farther beyond where any of us had been. I could see the image of this in my mind on paper, like primitive drawings on stone. It was suddenly urgent that I tell the leader on the other tribe now. I raced to find out who that was and found myself running along the edge of the world. To my right was the blackest and deepest water possible. The sky was black too. No light had penetrated this ocean, ever. I hollered for Mai-Mai (Asian lady, who was part of the other tribe), who came joyfully to me. It was a sweet reunion (I had worked with her years ago) and she knew, at the same time, that I needed her help urgently. We ran together so that she could direct me to the leader. I was closest to the edge and as we ran along, I could feel just how cold the water was, as if it could freeze me instantly if I fell in.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 39, Canadian living in England

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Re: The Edge of the World

These may be conflicts within yourself, emotional conflicts that are being resolved as much unconsciously as conscious {you may be working to resolve them consciously and your unconscious is helping out- Dreams are therapeutic, which could make this statement relevant}. You may be coming to the realization to the truths involving these conflicts {I had figured out what was needed to be done!}. There may be an ah! ha! aspect, an instant realization of some part concerning these conflicts {My thought came in an instantaneous flash}.

Could the secret ambush be hidden emotions. You must hide behind something to be able to ambush. Unconsciously you know of these things but need to confront them consciously. The primitive drawings may represent past experiences, something that is still engraved within your unconscious {I could see the image of this in my mind on paper}.

Then there is the blackest and deepest water, perhaps symbolic of the deepest unconscious. You have yet to penetrate this part of your emotional self. It may be hidden, waiting to ambush an attempts to shine light on it.

Mai-Mai. Hmmm. Are you familiar with Asian philosophies? . Golden flower, Mai, the goddess of spring. Mai Mai may represent that other self that provides hope. This may represent your wise self, the unconscious Self. To confront the inner fears is paralyzing {if I fell in}. But that is exactly what you, confront the unconscious fears.

Can you post another recent dream. This dream seems to be suggesting internal conflicts that are about ready to surface. But there is still uncertainty about what that may be in this dream. Can you suggest what the internal conflicts may be?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: The Edge of the World

Hi Gerard,

Thank you very much for your time and thoughts on this. I have great hope that I will gain something from your site. I have learned to understand myself though my dreams and after a 4 year hiatus from paying attention, they are coming back thick and fast. So, I'm grateful for all your thoughts.

Presently, I'm certain that I'm right on 'the edge' of either moving to another, deeper level within myself (and/or the greater collective self), or perhaps on the edge of emotions which have the capacity to turn me quite cold. I think I might just be at the contest of the 'shadow' stage, which feels frightening and anxious. Hidden emotions, yes. And to unveil them would set off my reactive mind. It wants to do what it has always done when challenged, which is to fight, stand ground and protect my world as it is. I feel that my deeper, instinctive self, though, is trying to go further than this and give me a new perspective. In the last couple months I've been conscious suddenly of my shadow/dark side and aside from being afraid of the outcome if I dealt with it differently, I'm unsure how to approach it.

I could make a pretty good guess at it being jealousy -- the cold black soul of jealousy.

Regarding the 'Golden Flower', I am not very familiar, but something is ringing a bell and I'm desperately interested, since last week I had a dream/hallucinatory image in the hypnogogic state, of a beautiful golden web climbing the wall from a vase, which seems rather 'golden flowery', no? (These types of visions have been common for me all my life, where images are super-imposed onto items in the room and I see them with my eyes wide just as I'm going into sleep. Mostly, they are disturbing images, but sometimes they are beautiful ones, like this golden web was.)

I'm happy to add another recent dream, in hopes to take this further. It came the night before 'The Edge of the World' dream. I will make a new post for it.

Thank you again,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 39, Canadian living in England

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? No

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