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recurrung childhood dream

I have been having this dream for 20 years many times a year, it's the same dream and it feels real. I am walking up a white hill in a spiral pattern, i feel I know the people I am walking with and when we reach the top over in the corner is a person standing at a waist high stone alter with a small wreath and fur and antlers, then they say a prayer and I wake up. It's weird but peaceful and I have had this dream since I was young. I am now 33. I would love to know what this is trying to tell me.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 33 DE

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Re: recurrung childhood dream

The first place to start in trying to understand why you have these dreams is prior to when the dream began. If they began in childhood you may need to look back to those years and see what may fit with the dreams. The dream is very short and I do have questions about some of the characters that may shine light on the possibilities {was it a male or female in the corner standing at the alter?}. Since the dreams are peaceful it would probably not be something negative. The weirdness may be saying something about what actually happened {a weird experience that left an impression, strong enough to last until now}.

Go back to that time prior to the dream and try to remember what was happening in your life. Often when you begin to have memories of the past forgotten memories will pop up. Let me know what you come up with. The info from the dream doesn't provide enough clues to what the dream is trying to address and filling in any blanks may be helpful.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: recurrung childhood dream


The person who is at the alter is an old man,
For the life of me I cant think of anything that could have triggered this dream, I have had this same thought before and have examined my childhood to come up with nothing out of the ordinary, I must clarify though the dream itself is not weird, I just think it's weird to keep dreaming the same dream off and on for so long. I keep dreaming the same details.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 33 DE

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