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hiding the evidence of murders

I open the top drawer of a dresser and find a package tightly wrapped in blue plastic. I am appalled because I remember that the package contains the bodies of my younger brother and sister. My older brother and I murdered them when we were all children and I have been hiding the package ever since. My older brother in the dream does not look like my brother in waking life. My dream brother is about 18-20 years old and has red hair. In waking life I have only one younger sibling, a brother. I looked in the top drawer of the dresser in the first place because I was moving on to life, going off to college, I think. But now, I'm horrified because I am sure the murder will be discovered and I will be made to pay for it. I know that it's very hard to dispose of dead bodies. I worry that they will stink, but they've been dead so long, they don't stink anymore. The package isn't even very heavy. MY older brother and I disagree about how to hide the evidence of the bodies. I'm sure they the bodies will be discovered and analyzed and everyone will know we murdered our younger siblings. My older brother wants to throw the package into a big community bonfire taking place that night. But I think we should hide the package. We agree to take the package to an out-of-the-way place, through some scrubby woods, possibly near a landfill. We throw the package there. Then, a voice- over begins as if this is a movie, and the voice- over is describing what happened after that. The murder was never discovered. The older brother and sister went on with their lives. I think that my older brother had a successful career. But when the voice over started the part about the sister (me), I couldn't hear what the voice was saying because some noise or talk interrupted. But I had the impression that the sister went on to live a traditional type life, getting married and having kids. I saw myself as if on a movie or TV screen. I woke still feeling the horror and dread of what we had done and of trying to cover up what we had done and feeling relieved in a way that we had not been discovered-- but I did not feel freed by this. Instead, I felt haunted by it all.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55

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Re: hiding the evidence of murders

I get the impression this dream is primarily addressing mid-life transition issues. I see where it could also be addressing related personality/behavioral issues, the behavioral aspects being your life as you have lived it and the natural evolution from young adulthood to later life {stages of life}. It is an introspection by the psyche using dreams as a tool to help regulate the emotional mind.
In short it is about reflecting back over your life and discovering things about yourself, and from your life that you may have forgotten, repressed, ignored. This is commonly thought of as the mid-life crisis. You are trying to reconcile the past and make since of the present.

Here is how I broke down the dream. See if you recognize associations to your waking life.

Whats seems to be a recurring theme is

Guilt & Coverup

dresser drawers-place within psyche where various aspects of self are stored-focus on the ego

wrapped in blue plastic-untrue to yourself-fake
also-personality-are you a tightly wrapped type person, perhaps with dominate masculine qualities?

younger brother and sister-aspects of younger self
murder-putting an end to some emotional attachment
older brother- dominating masculine aspects which are not recognized

past behavior and mistakes-payment
dispose of bad habits, past experiences
don't pay attention any more to habits

community bonfire-ego cleansing
discovered and analyzed - self analyzing and discovery

hidden aspects of ego life
landfill-discarded items, stored trash

not aware of feminine aspects-submissive feminine self

Have you recently been engaged in self discovery and/or self analyzation?

There is the possibility the dream, in a secondary role, is addressing past waking experiences having to do with your brother. But I believe the primary purpose of the dream is to address introspection of yourself and the issues you are facing at this stage of your life {55-late mid-midlife}.

Does any of the above resonate?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: hiding the evidence of murders

Yes, I have been working on self-discovery and analysis for several years. I agree that this is a dream about me rather than anything in my relationship with my older brother. I still feel the guilt of having murdered those younger siblings, but this is what is striking to me about it. I'm not so much guilty because I killed them. My fear is mostly about being found out. I'm horrified that someone's going to unwrap that blue package, put two and two together, and realize that I killed my younger siblings. And then everyone will not only know what I did but they will make me pay for it. I'm wondering why the focus is so much on wanting to hide the murder. It's not as if I'm feeling remorse for murdering them as long as no one knows. I would not say that I am dominated by masculine qualities, but I would say that for most of my life I believed that to be the "best" , most successful person would mean to be the kind of person in whom the male qualities are dominant. I am questioning that now at this time in my life. But I still feel myself being overpowered by the value that society puts on the male qualities and thinking that I ought to be able to have more of them or at least play the game. Harriett

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55

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