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New Format Coming Soon to the Dream Forum

For those who are frequent visitors to the Dream Forum, I want to let you know I am not shutting down the Forum, just revamping it in a new format. This may take a couple of weeks {perhaps less if time allows} but when it is reopened it will be in a format geared to those persons 35 years old and older. These are the years of the 'mid-life' thing and the 'inner search' that so many who visit the Dream Forum seemed to be engaged in. Jungian psyche is all about that inner search and dreams are a direct link to the unconscious aspects of that search as well as the 'archetypal' aspects. Although a younger person's dreams can be important it is those who are in the throws of the mid-life issues that need to better understand their dreams and are at a point in life where the inner search can and does make a difference in the quality of life. Having experience the biggest part of the mid-life stage myself { I will be 59 in March} I have personal experience of it. And having studied for 15 years Jung's approach to the psychology associated with those inner issues I believe I can best help those who are engaged in their own search, and have the capacity to understand those deeper issues, by focusing on their issues and not just interpreting dreams.

Interpreting dreams isn't a hard thing to do for anyone who has studied Jungian concepts and has an intuitive mind. But understanding the relationship of the dream contents to the waking life and communicating the associations so the person can understand can be. I believe my best qualities involve that communication, what Joseph Campbell called 'articulating' the speech so it can be understood. Jungian psyche can get very 'deep'. With the help of Campbell and other 'Jungian' teachers I believe I have developed the skills to help others understand Jungian concepts. And by understanding Jungian concepts a person can learn to live a more harmonious and balanced life. It is psychological first, an individual psychology. Dreams and myth are roads to learning about the individual as well as the collective aspects of the human psyche. I hope to make the Dream Forum a place of understanding of those psychologies, that hopefully will help dreamers from all corners of the globe learn to live a more prosperous and happier life. That is the spiritual concept of Jungian psyche and it is real.

And I want to get more personal, and have others do so also. The Forum will be open to all but will be best suited for those who are interested in personal growth, spiritual nourishment and those seeking a higher level of self knowledge. People like May who are consciously engaged in that hero/heroine adventure. I see the changes as going to the next level, beyond just interpreting dreams but also interpreting the human psyche. This all fits with my own journey, one in which I feel I am ready to advance to the next level. With the help of those who have studied Jungian psyche in-depth {Justin being one those whose insights I value} I hope the Dream Forum will be that place to come to in learning about that 'heroic' path of introspection and the inner search. It is psychological first, it is all about psychology.

I equate it to the demise of analog television to the new digital format. More to see and learn with a better quality of 'in'sights. Stay tuned.


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