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The Outer World vs the Inner World

I woke up this morning letting the fears and obligations of social duty invade my usual tranquil self. Then I decided to put that aside and concentrate on the 'creative' aspects. I turned to the Dream Forum and my dream interpretation. I soon left behind those fears of the social being. I was in my true world of inner being. I was in that creative mold. The fears subsided. I know the 'helping hands' are always present when in this inner space. My intuitive sense cam alive. I was once again delivered from the threat of the 'social dragon'.

And I know those helping hands are always present in the outer world. One hand folds neatly within the other, no separation. I realize the fears are emotional. The inner Self lets me put the emotions away and concentrate on what is really important. The creative aspects, my true being. Leaving the world of social duty and entering into a whole different world of spirit.

For some it may sound silly, this turning to the inner world. But for those of us who have discovered the inner world of true identity, spiritual and creative, it is the one thing that delivers us from the grip of negative emotions, the obligations and fears of the social kind. We are in a world of tranquility. We are our true selves.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 59

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