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Jung's 'Individuation Process' & Why is it Important

We've discussed the 'Individuation Process' often times in trying to better understand how to obtain better psychological health. But here is a approach from that looks at a different aspect to the process, and perhaps will be more interesting for those at mid-life or older.

The Individuation Process is a process of maturation in which the psyche ages or matures in much the same manner as the physical body.

Why is this important?

There are two modes of aging, normal aging and pathological aging. Normal aging allows for some mental and physical problems, and some loss in vitality and resilience.

  • Pathological aging occurs with the lack of health, vitality, resilience, or happiness and often includes such problem areas as depression and insomnia, which are prevalent in today’s elderly. Pathological aging may also result from a lack of meaning. Pathological aging may be a result of a lack of meaning. “The absence of meaning in life plays a crucial role in the aetiology of neurosis” {Jaffè}.

  • The transition between these two phases is difficult for most people, and problems often occur during this “dangerous age.” “What youth found and must find outside, the man of life’s afternoon must find within himself” (Jung, 1977, p. 74). The tasks of the first half of life are external having largely to do with establishing a family and career. The tasks of the second half of life are internal having largely to do with finding meaning in our life and in our death.

  • Successful aging may be the result of finding meaning in life. Meaning is subjective and difficult to measure, yet closely allied with happiness.

  • Meaning in Life and happiness. Those are two subjects we discuss on a continual basis at the Forum. Discovering both is the primary goal for those of us who are on that 'inner journey', working with dreams, that inner journey. With this new age of the Internet there is a wealth of information available, such as this page from, that makes it a bit easier in that journey.

    I believe you will discover some Enlightening Stuff at this site.


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