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Heart Mirror

As I woke in the morning, it was with seeing Peter Scanlon. He told me, “I want you to know you are remembered and thought of very often here (that it does not cost you anything), as we do our embryonic work of birthing a new humanity.”

Peter Scanlon was my soul-craft guide/mentor when I did my vision quest the Spring after I left the Army, seven years ago. His medicine name, at that time, was “Heart Mirror.” Most recently, when exchanging an email with him, he signed, “Peter, the Fakir,” as he applauded me for following my path with such intention. Here is his bio from the Animas Valley Institute’s web site:

On "Fakir," from Wikipedia: A fakir or faqir is a Sufi, especially one who performs feats of endurance or apparent magic. Derived from faqr (Arabic: فقر‎, "poverty").

In English, the term is often used to refer to Hindu ascetics (e.g., sadhus, gurus, swamis and yogis) as well as Sufi mystics.

I share the above about Peter, as I feel knowing him, as he has been in my life, is key to understanding this dream's message for me.


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