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Blind is Good

I wake from a short nap with the feeling sense that a dear friend is telling me, "This is good, Kristi." This message overlays a brief image of seeing one of my patients from work while also being aware of dialoguing with my new analyst, speaking to her of/about shadow.

The dear friend is the same woman who appeared in a few earlier dreams. I have a projection with her as being a deeply spiritual woman. My association with her resulted in the Flower Pods of Sameness, Tapas and Kiss dreams.

The patient is a German woman, 20+ years older than myself, who is nearly blind, but otherwise phsycially abe. When I walk with her, I place one hand/arm around her waist and hold her other hand, to assure/guide her.

My new analyst is one I see as being more like the persona/being developing (beginning to express) in my own self ... more allowing, more mystical, less linear/controlling, more free flowing.

This dream comes to me (a week ago) when on my way to again spend time with Sri Mata Amritanandamayi.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43, Kansas

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Re: Blind is Good

Oh, the patient is not someone born blind, but who has gone (is going) blind.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43, Kansas

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Re: Blind is Good

Hi Kristi,

maybe the blindness can be interpreted in 2 different ways.

At first: in your dream it is your patient who, over the years is going blind. Aren't we born as 'seeing' and are going blind over the years...not seeing life/the world as it really is? In this way it could mean that you, taking care of the patient (yourself)are working on yourself to see the way a child can see...

On the other hand: you gave your dream the title 'blind is good'. 'not seeing life/the world as it really is'. Blind people have stronger senses then we do. I think blind people are more capable of 'seeing' the world as it really is.

Guiding the blind patient...the patient is from another country...foreign...unknown...
Unknown...not able to see...+ guidance...Maybe the dream is saying something like: 'Believe in yourself'...'Trust your inner senses'..?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36 netherlands

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How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes, long, long ago

Re: Blind is Good

Hi Mask,

All in all, I feel your comments are leaning in the right direction. It does feel for me to be about trusting the unknown, being able to learn to "see in the dark," which does means using more finely tuned senses, being okay with not knowing ... not immediately surmising an answer from the knowlege base of the existing intellect ... but allowing space for something more/new/deeper to arise. And also, for me, very much in line with what you said in your first sentence, seeing again as a child sees ... fresh, new, untainted by an accumulation/conglomeration of life's experience ... open, allowing, free. Interesting (or is it?) we have to become blind to become again this way.

Didn't Jung have a dream about being blind? Anyone know it?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43, Kansas

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: Blind is Good

For interested readers, I found these (meditative) words this morning, when searching for information regarding Jung's dream of the meditating yogi (not the same dream I am recalling and mentioned regarding his being blind, unable to see, and needing glasses):

Consider this myth: Psyche (mind) fell in love with Cupid (Eros), who forbade her to look upon him by day. Frightened, with protective knife in hand, she gazed finally upon his beauty by night. But her candle dripped hot wax on him and, wounded, away he fled. Moral? The light of reason destroys what is beautiful, and the grown-up brain gives up childish things.

So as to give credit to the author of these words, they are simply part of a book review on

Would anyone hazard to guess why Jung's dream of the meditating yogi disturbed him?

Jerry, would you comment on it?

I am really interested in some dialogue on this.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43, Kansas

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Blind is Good

Please forgive my slow response but I am fighting a terrible head cold.

Your assessment {"The light of reason destroys what is beautiful, and the grown-up brain gives up childish things."} does fit with the moral cause. It often comes down to the conflict of unconscious vs conscious awareness {day and night}. The ego body seeks physical pleasure whereas the heart seeks true love. It may be the moral is that the ego seeks to control the psyche {total self} and will do anything to prevent the unconscious self {true self} from realizing the deepest desires of the unconscious soul.

As for Jung and the meditating yoga, and the ultimate moral of Cupid and Psyche, the meditating yoga projects the unifying self. Jung's dream draws attention to the fact that our ultimate reality is not located at the level of the everyday ego centered experience but at the deeper level of the unconscious and the archetypes {Jung and Eastern Thought, pg 103}.

My assessment of this, the deeper level of the unconscious and the archetypes, is that we need to look to our deepest self to understand the motivations behind our behavior in adult life. The ego seeks to satisfy the body {urges} using the experiences of early life to support these desires {a negative experience in early life becomes the agent for which the ego justifies actions in later life}. But the true self seeks to remedy the conflicts by seeing within the whole life and recognizing the controlling agents that cause the psychological conflicts {earlier negative experiences}. It is in the archetypes of dreams that we are able to recognize these agents and most often they begin in early childhood. It is a very complicated thing to understand for those who are not learned in Jungian psyche.
But for you {Kristi} and I, well, let's say we have insights to secrets that are readily available if we only look inward.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 59 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Blind is Good


Now, I have a head cold.

What you’ve said here may be answering (at least in part) the situation I presently find myself in, regarding a “deepest desire of my soul.” More than to just stir illuminating conversation, perhaps this is part of the reason I asked the question. I would have given an answer in terms different than yours, telling that the dream disturbed Jung for in it he realized that he (his ego self/persona) was not the controlling agent, but that there was a dream so much bigger than what we know ourselves to be, dreaming us…the unifying self.

I have, since a child, felt a desire to “write.” To tell a story. This was stirred in me as a child, despite the very difficult circumstances in which I grew. I have often spoke of the great love I was aware of as a child, that seemed to pick me up and carry me through such troubling times. When my young heart/mind questioned the nature of the experience I was living, it was as if I was reassured: “there is a meaning, there is a purpose, and one day you will understand it all.” Then, I only knew that I dearly wanted to “wake up.” I used to write poetry about this as an adolescent/young teen … about realizing our wholeness, how connected we all were/are, that I (we) are not just the sum of our experience as a separate self. There was a silent voice that seemed to say, to me, “Hold on child, just hold on.” It was as though I was “in touch” with the dreamer, even then, without knowing what it was that I was in touch with. I called it wholeness/God. The experience was huge, and it touched me so powerfully, that I was often as if asking, “What do you want from me?” Like I was afraid of what life was asking of me, what I felt so deeply inside of me, what I experienced so deeply inside of me.

Here I am, now preparing to (professionally) write my memoirs, and I am moved by your mention of the “deepest desire of the unconscious soul.”

And much as I have tried to deny my desire to write, to tell my story, it comes often. It’s like it has to be told, want to be told. I feel that in the process of writing it, I will heal much more.

This desire was very much in my heart/mind when I had the above dream. Will need to look more at that dream, holding my writing in consideration.

My analyst, who is positively encouraging regarding m desire to write, suggests I be like the bride giving myself to the bridegroom...


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43, Kansas

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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