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Last night i had the next dream:

With my brother i was sitting in the backyard of our parents' home (one of our childhood homes). It must be a sunny day, because a parasol is standing close to us, though we're not sitting under it. We're sitting at a round table which is covered with our things. (don't know what things)It feels like it's late in the afternoon. We're just sitting there talking with each other (which is really something rare). At one point i'm picking up two piles of photograph; they are mine, taken during a holiday. I want to show them my brother. It seems that all photgraphs are pictures of water...beautiful blue water, some with something in/on the water.
Then we see a thunderstorm is developing in the west. We stand up and start picking things up from the table to bring them inside. I then stay inside, while my brother keeps on bringing all the stuff inside. Even my two piles of photographs. I'm surprised to see him do that...surprised, because i'd never thought of him taking care about my 'stuff'.
Inside i start to take all the eletric plugs out of the sockets, because lightning has already started (no rain, no thunder). Just before taking a plug out i see a lightning...this happens with every plug i take out. It's like (feels like?) every lightning bolt even comes very near to the plug i'm busy with..and like every time i'm just in time to prevent the lightning to strike.
Then it looks like i'm watching tv, though not sitting in front of the tv (still in the living room of my parents' house). Though what i'm watching is a television programm it's like i'm standing right in front of the people who belong to that program. It is a talkshow. The talkshow host is sitting on a little bench right beside her guest. The guest is a very young woman (just not a child anymore) with a black skin. She's a ballet dancer and that's what they are talking about. I kind of zoomed in on the face of this young ballet dancer. Seeing her face made me feel...i don't know what i felt, but there was something about her.
Then my father walks into the livingroom, to go for a walk with the dog. The dog first runs happy to my father, but then turns around, walks to a wall and starts banging his head against the wall.
Then the 'programm' returns. Now it's not so much like i'm right in front of the talkshow-people, but it looks like the whole setting of the talkshow is in the hanging a few meters above the livingroom-floor. I see a black tainted male ballet dancer on a wide stage. He starts making pirouettes and while doing this he's turning faster and faster. I try to get my fathers attention towards this pirouettes making male dancer. I ask my father if he can see it too, but he doesn't which dissapoints me a little. While still watching his pirouettes i see that the young female dancer is still sitting on the bench next to the talkshow host. I'm surprised, because i thought this young female dancer was going to dance in the show.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36 netherlands

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

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Re: Pirouettes

Some thoughts:

The backyard can symbolize the past. The livingroom the conscious. My brother i guess is symolic for a part of myself. The pictures could be memories of the past. Pictures of the beautiful water, with sometimes something in it. The water...emotions/feelings about something...probably nice things because it was beautiful blue water. Sometimes something in it...good memories with probably some obstacles/problems/less nice things. I think i really look at my memories this way, because i really think i had a fine childhood time. There were some 'darker spots' in them, but who doesn't?

First my brother and me are talking, which in real life is rare. I'd like to really have a good talk with him, but he doesn't show much emotion. He only showes it when i'm ill, when i'm really having a hard time. So, us talking there, feels strange but also good. I wish for that.'
"Surprised, because i'd never thought of him taking care about my stuff." (while he was taking my pictures inside)
This all brings me to the question: "How much am i taking care of my own 'stuff'?", "Do i have really good talks with myself?"

A thunderstorm is coming. The thunderstorm...bad weather...trouble/problem etc. Because of 'the trouble ahead' all 'stuff' is picked up and brought inside...from the past (the unconscious? into conscious). To me this looks like that when having troubles or foreseeing troubles stuff from the unconscious 'comes up'. Or is the 'stuff' which helps developing the 'bad weather'?

Because of the fright of lightning striking i'm taking all plugs out of their sockets...cutting of electricity. feels like cutting of emotions. Cutting of emotions because afraid of lightning striking. Lightning can be symbolic for an insight. But lightning can be dangerous...a strike can cause fire...this fire can be symbolic for rage/agressiveness, but also passion..Hmm, not quite sure of the meaning of this part.
Regarding the passion a thunderstorm is also 'energy in the air'...

Father coming in to get the dog for a walk. The dog first walks happily towards him then turns, walks to the wall and start banging its head. Banging its head...i had to think of being stubborn (which i can be, but my father also)...headstrong maybe?
But why does the dog turn around? It makes me think of my father..and then in childhood years. He could go from laughter into anger...leaving us without the knowing why he suddenly had a change of moods. This is also a little bit the case with my brother. And sometimes i feel i can have such a moodswing too..

The young black female ballet dancer...that's a part of me. I was one, when i was very young, but i quit. It makes me think of the question: "What would i've become when/if...?" I think that is why this young woman is a black tainted woman. She is an unknown part of me. I did ballet...something like: i have 'it' in me, but i'm not totally aware of it (yet)...'it' then not the ballet, but the ballet is only symbolic.
Then the black male ballet dancer who is doing pirouettes...i was surprised to see him because i thought the girl was going to dance in the show. I seemed to feel sorry for the young woman that she wasn't on stage. Maybe this male dancer, him dancing instead of the young woman..maybe this is symbolic for 'how it really went'...instead of 'what could have been'. Though it also makes me think about inner male/female...a male ballet dancer...dancing a pirouette...the pirouette could be the male and female spiralling together...

My father can't see 'it' (the dancing person). The father as a figure of authority..'head' of the family...'the head can't see it'..It is something which can only be seen by the heart...i think this is what it is referring to (as for now). And i think that by taking the plugs out of the sockets i prevent the heart from seeing...

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36 netherlands

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: Pirouettes

A few comments about your interpretation. The backyard often represents the unconscious {in the back of your mind} and being in your parents yard could be addressing past experiences related to that period of time. Your brother, and your parents, in the opening sentence, is most likely a primary focus of the dream.
How Dreams are Structured
In the first phase, which can be regarded as the exposition, the initial situation (setting) is represented – already pointing at central conflict expressed in dream.

The two piles of pictures. These may point to the conflicting opposites. The first opposite, one pile of pictures, may be the actual relationship you and your brother share. The second would be a more balanced relationship {wish fulfillment}. The round table would represent balance/wholeness. To achieve this balance would require a better relationship with your brother, a desire you possess deep unconscious {pictures of water/unconscious}.

This beginning could also be pointing to your animus. A less notable possibility but a probability since all dreams have at least two interpretations addressing more than one aspect of the psyche.

The thunderstorm, emotional conflict. The West, sunset, the ending of some aspect. Looking deep within there is this desire to 'end' the conflicts with your brother. But the problem is 'he' keeps bringing new emotional conflicts to the relationship {you are willing for reconciliation but he may not be}. You want him to care {remember the dream is about your emotions}.
This may be primarily directed at animus qualities
With every attempt to reconcile {with your brother or your own animus} there is a new bolt of lightening {conflict}.

The talk show, the television show. A need to talk it out, an inner conversation with self. The very young woman, as aspect of self, perhaps related to earlier experiences in life. Or an immature attitude that is growing up. The black skin, a shadow quality, negative aspects that are in need of healing {young woman growing}.
The dance,the muse, the highest quality of the psyche, associated with spirituality. Healing qualities that involve relationships as well as inner masculine qualities {which may have been damaged from early life experiences/very young woman}.
This is conjuncture on my part, the dance being the muse, spiritual

Your father is another focus of the dream {the opening sentence}. The dog, perhaps the 'human' animal nature, in relationships. Your father symbol may be directed at your own 'higher masculine' qualities and less at your actual father {depending on the actual relationship}. Walls are barriers to some aspect that needs to be removed. The head, thinking aspects. Banging your head, you can see where this leads.
What is the relationship with your father?

The returning program, the continuing inner conflicts. The house is you, all that makes up who you are {rooms would be the different aspects}. The floor, your constructed foundation, the principles you have built your life. The black tainted male dancer, an aspect of animus self. Black can symbolize the unconscious also. Conflicts of masculine qualities, this higher quality of the animus. Sitting on the bench is the feminine aspect. This aspect is waiting to invited to the dance. The conflict may be of the masculine verses the feminine, inner qualities in conflict.
But also the outer in conflict. Masculine verses the feminine, your brother in conflict with his sister, you.

In the first phase, which can be regarded as the exposition, the initial situation (setting) is represented – already pointing at central conflict expressed in dream.

Conflicts of both inner and outer masculine qualities/relationships?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 59 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Pirouettes

Hi Jerry,

you painted a clear picture there...thank you.

The weird thing is: my brother, in lots of ways, acts just like my father. But with my father i don't have conflicts, only with my brother. Another difference: i often tell my father when i don't like his way of acting/behaving...but i don't tell my brother...maybe that's where i pull the plug out as soon as 'bad weather' arrives. But all of this makes me think of something else. I've learned and understand that what one dislikes in another person, it can only be recognized when one probably has the same behaviour/characteristics/ways of acting...otherwise there's a good chance one wouldn't get irritated over it. So there's already one question i could ask myself: 'Have i already tried everything to try and solve 'the problem'? No, not really. And i think that is what the dog is showing. Towards, for example my brother, i show a laughing and enthousiastic person, but when 'returned' (when home again) i'm angry with him. So maybe, when i show him and tell him about my 'water' pictures (emotions/certain feelings), he might surprise me with his reaction...That's one to remember and maybe even try out. And maybe by doing so, the picture of the dancers might change. To show and tell about my emotions is maybe like inviting the young woman to dance...


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36 netherlands

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

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