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Reoccurring dream Three eyes

Dream: I have had multiple dreams of a woman with three eyes. The eyes are directly across in alignment. Last evening I had a brief dream, I made no comment about the three eyes to the person in the dream, just causal talk. There was a brief line about meeting again and the dream end; the last line was of me saying something mildly flirtatious. I don't recall the exact words.

Life: I am dealing with some rather corrupt people at work and it is coming to a showdown. I do experience some anxiety about them, the situation, and their next scheme, but my style is that I don't back down when there is a combination of ethical and personal issues involved.

I do not know if this dream is to alarm me, guide me or reassure me or if there is something I need to see in myself. Any pearls of wisdom would be greatly appreciated. BTW Happy Easter.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 47 Ohio

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Re: Reoccurring dream Three eyes

Hello Bob,

my first thought while reading the words 'woman with three eyes' is about the female side of a person and i think it is about your own female side.

Woman as a symbol for female
Three eyes...third eye...intuition

That the three eyes are reoccuring in your dreams could mean that maybe there's an unconscious/inner call to try to use/integrate your inner female/intuition.

Wether this dream is referring to what you write about what is happening at work in real life...i think it's up to you to decide if this is the case or not. I don't know 'through which eyes' you're looking at that problem at work? Rather rational or?


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Re: Reoccurring dream Three eyes

Mask points to an important aspect that the dream may be addressing. That would be your feminine aspects. The three eyes along with the feminine reference may be alluding to 'seeing' beyond the norm, perhaps a reference to important principles {ethical and personal issues} you live by which would 'align' you with the feminine principle of integrity. The 'causal' talk would be in reference to your 'natural' self having to do with those principles. You are not giving in to those 'flirtatious' attempts to abandon such principles.

In short the dream may be saying to stay the course, do not give ground to those temptations to abandon your principles, even though others lack them. Although in the short term it may have negative results, in the long term it will benefit you in ways you could never image.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 60 Murfreesboro, Tn

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Re: Reoccurring dream Three eyes

Thanks Jerry & Mask, It makes sense that I interpret the dream as guidance then. I have at times in the conflict been direct, as well as willing to put it out there like it or not; the more masculine approach. What I gather is that a more feminine approach relying on intution to guide me is needed. The flirtation part was rendered by me in the dream. Hence, I'm assuming not to abandon the principles if that is correct?

The conflict, while I have personal earthly interests involved, does largely deal with the treatment of others who are recipients of a caregiving by an organization. There is also a great deal of corruption in that delivery of service and by many of the higher ups I battle. I had the repeating dream after having intense episodes of the coming showdown.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 47 Ohio

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Re: Reoccurring dream Three eyes

Yes,the symbol of a woman with 3 eyes says to me there is an element of intuition involved in the dream. Following your natural instincts, and I emphasis 'natural' since Jung proposed that the natural self has a spiritual aspect to it. It all ties together pointing to those basic ideas of integrity and doing what is right.
Jesus lived from the feminine aspect, so the element of spirituality does have meaning when associated with the feminine side of the psyche. Using that as a guide is a correct path in life.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 60 Murfreesboro, Tn

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Re: Reoccurring dream Three eyes

Dear Bob, Jerry and Co

Last night I woke up 3 times after dreaming women. In the last dream a wo,am with 3 eyes appeared to me with a man next to her. We walked together. I looked at her eye as it was aligned on the same place as incisura nasalis. That is with almost a perfect symtery but not absolute size. It was slightly smaller although more sparkiling. What could the meaning of the man wolking next to teh wqoman mean. She was walking in between us. I know for sure that corruption exist even among what we call friends.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 31

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Re: Reoccurring dream Three eyes

The feminine aspects of the psyche are the most powerful when realized and utilized. A third eye can be symbolic of seeing beyond the normal range of conscious knowledge. The intuitive mind is one such quality of the feminine. Being perfect is having perfect balance, in all aspects of ones being {physical, psychological, spiritual}. In the world as is the feminine is denigrated, is smaller compared to the masculine {patriarchy}. In the true world she 'sparkles'. The masculine when balanced with the feminine sits beside her, not in front of her or above her. The world as we know it is corrupt because it is so patriarchal. Not giving the feminine her due.
Learn to use your third eye. I have in many ways, one being when interpreting dreams. The intuitive mind at work.


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Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Murfreesboro , Tn

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Re: Reoccurring dream Three eyes

Hello to all who have posted and thank you. Last week after a work colleague aggressively confronted me over a minor issue, I attempted to resolve this issue in a peaceful, professional manner with her and she would not meet me half way, the brow beating continued and I was left with no choice but to walk away from the situation. Wow you would not believe it, since the incident I have felt quite anxious at work but I want to stand my ground like you Bob. Two nights after the incident I had a dream I was out in the shopping mall and a tall woman with blonde hair walked past me and she looked straight at me and she had three eyes. I looked at her and I believe I felt a message coming through which was "be careful whom you trust". Personally I believe the woman with three eyes to be representing my intuition and guiding me. So glad that you have shared your life and dream experiences as it is helping me resolve mine.

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Re: Reoccurring dream Three eyes

The three eyes image could definitely symbolize your intuitive senses. We all have this sense but seldom use it or even understand it exists. As with most senses nature provided, this sense was meant to be used as a survival tool for early man. I think of it as a 'sixth sense' {along with the senses of sound, sight, touch, smell and taste}. If it were not for intuition I could not analyze dreams as I do. It is a sense of 'knowing' someone or something instantly and in dreams it allows me to see patterns, intuitively knowing from the dream dialog what the underlying message is. As I have often said in conversations about this intuitive sense in the past, 'although I often have a problem with memory, I can talk to a person for an hour and not remember the color of their eyes or hair but I 'know' that person as soon as I began to engage them'. I've used this sense time and time again and when you learn to trust it, and not give a second thought to it, it works every time.

As your experience and your dream. The third eye in the dream may very well have been an indication of your wisdom self. In your post you stated you not only stood your ground with Bob, you said because of 'the brow beating continued and I was left with no choice but to walk away from the situation'. That walking away instead of continuing to engage someone who uses aggression instead of civility was a 'wise choice'. It indicated your ability to move beyond an ego/aggressive response and instead you used a 'spiritual/wisdom' approach to the situation. In Jungian psyche the goal is to learn to 'think psychologically and live spiritually' and when you can 'naturally' do that you are participating in your own personal growth. This woman in your dream was you {the characteristics/appearance were likely symbolic}, the inner wise woman who is a guide.

As for the message "be careful whom you trust". That could apply to your intuitive mind, learning to instantly trust that and not question it on second thought. That could be a message from the wisdom self as well. Here is more on intuition as a sixth sense.

Thanks for the post. it is enlightening to say the least.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: Reoccurring dream Three eyes

Hello Jerry, thank you for your insightful and informative reply. I came across your website quite by accident and just posted my dream not knowing anything about your work or Jung. Your reply has meant so much and was true and I was shocked to the core at your accuracy as I have been wondering around in this world lost for 44 years and after reading your reply I feel I can truly start to find myself through the interpretation of my dreams. I am keeping a copy of your reply so I can continue to look back on it when I need for guidance. To just have the knowledge that the woman in my dream was myself and my intuition telling me to trust myself has considerably reduced the anxiety with which I live with every day. I feel there is now hope. It has improved my self-esteem to know that I am starting to move away from the ego/aggressive and move towards a spiritual and psychological life.
Thank you again so much, your work is really valuable to humanity and has the power to positively change lives.
Regards, Joanna.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 44 Australia NSW

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Re: Reoccurring dream Three eyes

I appreciate the kind words. If there is one thing i try to do in working with dreams is to get the dreamer to 'think' about their dreams and what they have to say. By interpreting a dream I often reveal what most don't know about dreams; they have a important message. Once a person realizes how dreams function and that they do indeed have something to say, giving thought to the dream message often stimulates more thinking. Only by knowing what is really on your mind can you begin to resolve the emotional issues the dream is trying to help resolve. It is good to know you are looking to 'die' to the ego and be 'resurrected' to a spiritual self. Creativity and spirituality are what give true meaning to life and allows us to live a full and harmonious life.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: Reoccurring dream Three eyes

I had a dream where three eyed woman came to me very upset thinking that I have a relationship with her husband. I was super nice to her, sat her down and told her that it's not true and that we are just friends and that majority of my friends are man. I was talking looking into her middle eye. Then she said that her middle eye is blind and it's not helping. So I started saying the same thing looking into her left eye. Then she calm down, believed me (I wasn't lying) and even ordered a meal.
What would you think that meant? I never had a dream about three eyed people before
Thank you

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 34 female Los Angeles

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Re: Reoccurring dream Three eyes

I have had the same dream before. Its about a lady who children and also has three eyes. I really want to find out what having this dream twice means

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Re: Reoccurring dream Three eyes

It depends on who possesses a third eye in a dream as to its meaning {as well as their gender}. If the dreamer has a third eye it may symbolize inner vision and insight, perhaps a need to trust your intuitive instincts.

If it is unknown person of the same sex who possesses a third eye it often represents an aspect of the dreamer {the unknown person would be an unknown/unrealized aspect of the dreamer}. An inner vision of knowing something about oneself that is stored within the unconscious and provides insights to important emotional information. In the case of a lady {an aspect of yourself since you are female} killing children my sense would be the third eyed lady is part of you that is related to unconscious wisdom/knowledge that has to do with your childhood. Killing would be putting an end to something killing a child {which would be you} may point to early life experiences that put an end to normalcy in childhood {or what should be normal}. Look at your childhood and determine if there were adverse/negative conditions that had a profound affect on you. It may have been your childhood in general, adverse conditions such as poverty, physical/mental abuse, etc. These events would have 'changed' you {killing would change a live person to a dead person-inwardly speaking} and left an impression that was unconsciously if not consciously stored. It would likely have had an effect on your personality/psyche.

Note: As a norm unknown people in a dream would represent aspects of the dreamer. They are the dreamer. In your dream the lady could be both a real person {mother as a likely candidate} as well as the dreamer {your adult self that was changed by childhood experiences}. The children {there may be siblings involved as well who shared the experiences} would be you as a child. A primary function of dreams is to expose unconscious contents that focus on emotional conflicts that influence behavior and actions of the dreamer. If there were serious issues in childhood that have not been resolved then your dreams would be trying to help you realize what they are so you can resolve them. If you don't then they go with you throughout life and can/will be motivators of personality and actions as an adult.

Jerry [prya]


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65 Cocoa, Fl

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