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Re: Peru


Ah yes, Synchronicity! This is the most controversial of Jung's theories. And hard to prove. But when we look back at our 'chance' encounters that turn out to be major interventions that often prove to be life changing events, we have to wonder, 'was it a Synchronistic event'? My great experience which I have repeated many times at the Dream Forum was the Sunday afternoon I had return home from running errands with my wife and as soon as I got in the door, went to the television and turned it on. The station was tuned to the local PBS channel {even before my 'rebirth' I was an enthusiastic viewer of PBS} and I saw Bill Moyers {someone I was very familiar with, he being the one time press secretary for Lyndon Johnson} talking with this guy named Joseph Campbell {someone I had never heard of}. The subject was mythology, a subject I had little knowledge of. It turned out the program was the first of six hour long conversations entitled 'The Power of Myth' and it is still a staple video series PBS stations across the country often use for fundraising promotions.
I sat through the program and was soon mesmerized by the conversation. When the program ended I was totally enthralled and I remember thinking to myself, 'this is important'! I knew something had occurred that would be meaningful in my life.

That experience took place 18 years ago. I was so taken by that conversion, and the next five hours of programming that followed on consecutive Sundays, I began to read all I could about Campbell and mythology. That led to Jung and the dream. And as I sit here I can honestly say it has become who I am, that one moment in time 18 years ago being a transformation from the old self, to the discovery of the new Self. And just how big a transformation it has been is not ordinary. From a couch potato with little inclination to use mental facilities beyond making judgements of who will win the next football game to someone who lives to think, loves the philosophical conversation, and believes the real world is 'within' and the outer world is a dream {speaking metaphorically, or am I?}.

As I look back the whole transformation experience was during my mid-life years. Now at the age of 60 {an age I don't look, feel or act, often passing for someone 10-15 years younger-entirely related to the physical routine I religiously have followed since the late 70s} I am looking forward to early retirement at 62 so I can put all my efforts to my dream work at the Dream Forum and to broaden the pages of Myths-Dreams-Symbols. This is the creative path that both Campbell and Jung spoke of as being the center of a soulful life of bliss, balance and harmony, for anyone who recognizes the journey as a just that; surrendering to the soul's desire for creativity and spirituality. The creativity is in my dream work and building the pages at MDS. The spiritual part is in the desire that my words of interpretation helps others realize their path and how to proceed in achieving balance and harmony, and how I conduct myself in the social realm where I have less control of those forces outside my creative domain. That involves ethics, honesty and a desire to provide a service and product for others that reflects how a spiritual person should live life. WWJD-WWBD. What would Jesus do in any social interaction with his fellow human contacts? How would Buddha consciousness fit with those same interactions? A spiritual approach to everything I do in life, not a cursory attempt to placate the ego. Religious people live that kind of life, a vain attempt to look spiritual. A truly spiritual person walks the walk as well as talks the talk.

My rewards for living a creative/spiritual life. Bliss when working with the dream. And those times when I get a response from and interpretation such as "Oh my God. You just blew me away" {with your interpretation}.

And in the social realm where I find myself putting so much of my energies to my business? In this time of the 'Great Recession' business has been bountiful. And it is a direct result of providing a good, honest service, letting ethics be the driving force in how I approach the business world. Not solely to make a living but realizing I am making an impact on someone else's life. That is important to me. The approach of WWJD-WWBD works and it will work for anyone who walks the walk. I am confident in this because I believe in nature there are those mechanisms that insure such results. if there is any such thing as a true metaphysics, beyond the physical realm of experience, it is within nature. Not unnatural, just seldom utilized as it should be.

At least that is my belief system, one I live by {Myths to Live By}.

Now, I must be off to slay the social dragon.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 60 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Peru

Your dream does seem to be about achieving balance, something that requires an elevation to the highest 'peaks' of the Self. Although the condor can represent self-renewal they are also creatures that devour the flesh of other animals. Perhaps that has to do with a renewal of devouring the ego so to achieve spiritual cleansing, death to the ego and a rebirth/resurrection to the spiritual. The greatest requirement of achieving balance and harmony in life is the death and resurrection of self to Self.

In the dream you are on the edge of the mountain, on a branch of a tree. As you stated you have not reached the top of either. So goes the path in life. We spend our whole lives struggling to reach the top {a balanced and harmonious life}.

And there is the 'masculine' which is constantly present in the dream. You recognize in your waking life a need to incorporate the animus and the dream may be confirming that need. There are unconscious forces that keep you from this achievement. That could be from childhood experiences or actual experiences having to do with the culture of your country {the Czech republic's struggle for independence}.

'fully concentrated to keeping'. How is this achieved? 'I saw the Indians in the depth, they sat down under the tree'. The tree of life, the Bodhi Tree under which the Buddha achieved enlightenment, your own personal growth. {Indians may represent the primitive mind, those resources to be found within the deepest rescesses of the unconscious psyche}. This may be where you are on your path, realizations that may led to greater things.

In the first dream there is the shadow. There is a darkness and a goddess on her throne. Such images remind me of Joseph Campbell's instruct that images of this kind in a dream often represent a great realization, perhaps an elevation to the next level {in your quest for balance and harmony} on your path. I had such a dream {the image was of Kali the 'Black one'} at a time of great transformation in my life some 12 years ago.

'The tree grows out of the mountain'. Realizations grow from the many experiences of the great struggle in life. Yet there is not leaf, possibly due to the unconscious animus forces that are still be be recognized and confronted. You have not reached the top of the tree, have yet to ascend to the top of the mountain {Martin Luther King's speech of getting to the top of the mountain}. But you have a friend, and a guide. And it is above you.

One of my beliefs in the struggle for wholeness is that 'the spiritual path is a psychological journey'. This is the 'above you' aspect that must be realized. Those psychological forces in your life that keep you from wholeness, that can lead to wholeness. Your guide is that positive attitude. Perhaps you have a guru {mine are Jung and Campbell}. Such teachers can help you achieve wholeness but to reach the top you must look to your own inner resources. Look inward, go inward. What you will find is that spiritual identity and it will take you to the promise land.
Do not be afraid of the 'shadow'. If you concentrate and stay disciplined while on your journey you will reach those highest peaks.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 60 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Peru

Thank you very much for your detailed response.
I am sorry - my mail from 6,45 AM has not reflected your new message yet. I will reply tomorrow (shortly - I promise).

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 42, Czech republic

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

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