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Re: Through blue eyes fade to grey (my real dream)

The Mask

It's funny...i wrote this poem years ago and it brought me to tears. Back then i understood the poem. But somehow, along the years, i start to understand the poem again. I already understood it, when reading it again and again, but it's like i'm also starting to sort of feel the meaning... don't know how to explain...

The mirror tells me secrets
stories from very far away
of hidden places, treasures
behind the bright light of the day
She tries to show the true world
through blue eyes fade to grey

Staring in the mirror
i try to lift the veil
try to understand what lies behind
the bitter shades of pale

The mirror whispers softly
sweet words of happiness
sings about a world out there
where there's no loneliness
She tries to tell the story
through ears appearing deaf

Staring in the mirror
i try to hear the sound
try to understand what lies behind
the harsh noise of lost ground

The mirror winks
the mirror waves
the mirror laughs at me
i wink back
i wave at her
i even try to smile

But when i turn around again
it all just makes no sense
i try, i learn, i walk along
just facing my defence

Sweet mirror, could you show me now
the way to solid ground...please
i've walked so long in darkness now
i'd like to find some peace

Staring in the mirror
i tell her about myself
about unwritten stories
still waiting for a shelf

The mirror answers softly
to be all still and sound
to not look back nor fear the front
'cause all is common ground

That, the only thing that matters
is to believe and trust
defence is just a mechanism
that leaves all wishes crushed

Just try to let go and loosen up
imagine a rainbow in the sky
picture that what you would like to see
and don't ask yourself everytime 'why'

Make today the first day of your history
paint your outlook the colour you love most
throw away your best friend, the mirror
and the world behind the shade of grey
...will slowly be exposed

Staring in the mirror the last time
i startle and whisper 'goodbye'
i've listened to her for so many times
so many times asking her 'why'

O yes, she answered, she told me a lot
but what i forgot to remember
is that the world she told me about
is a world i already got

It's a world deep down inside
the soul, the heart, the spirit
the mirror, just a shimmering surface
that hides the forgotten beneath it

It only shows a reflection, seen
through blue eyes fade to grey...the lies
in which illusion conquers
in which true beauty cries

Crash the shimmering glass with bare hands
watch red drops dripping of
follow their path, unfolding your story
the other was just a spin-of

Try to feel what your blood is telling
let its story be your guard
on your way of history unwritten
and live it out with all your heart..


>>> Tonight, after having written my replies to Jerry's thoughts about my latest two dreams it feels like the meaning of this poem is falling into place.

What the mirror is trying to show me, tell me...
The mirror symbolizes look at my world...
Through blue eyes fade to grey...i can look and listen but as long as i'm not really alive (passive) i can know, wish, dream as much as i want, but i will never see what life is really about...

The passiveness...caused by defences...caused by my fears.

It makes me think of something that crossed my mind several times the past weeks. More and more i realised (and saw each day, again and again) how most people (including myself) are so good in giving attention to only the things that go wrong, while there are so much more things going right or even great. Why is it so hard for lots of people to give compliments, to notice the things that went well/very good?

I think this too can be found back in the poem. Besides me, just watching life go by, the poem also seems to say something about only seeing what is going wrong...through blue eyes fade to grey...
Is it because of the rules we learned in early life? Is it all simply because what we've learned in early life?

In Holland right now, there's this 14 year old girl who wants to be the youngest sailor to sail around the world. She made this plan a while ago already, but once the outer got to know about this all kinds of people started to critize her and her plan. She even had to go to court and was placed under sort of custody. It made me feel angry. I is just needs his dimplomas to get somewhere, but only because society is made and developed in that way. But why not just let her realize her dream. She could fail, but i think that experience will learn her so much more then only school would. I think it could make her much stronger, even at her young age. I wish i'd had dreams like that when i was her age. Of course there are questions about her plans and it's only healthy to take a standstill at these questions, but i think a standstill is even more required when thinking about what one is doing when one crushes someone elses life-dream. This young girl has faith, faith that could be taken away forever when people forbid her to make her dream come true. Luckily the judge has 'let her go' i think she's free to go and do what she wants to...

So, this mirror is both inside and outside of me.

This young sailor girl is still looking through blue eyes, but the outer world almost made them fade to grey. This young sailor girl doesn't have to break the glass with bear hands because, i think, she still has that childish innonence. She hasn't put up walls and defences yet.

When i would dismiss both my teacher and student...this is where i break the glass with bear hands and start writing my own story...

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37, Holland

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Re: Through blue eyes fade to grey (my real dream)

Hi Mask,

Yes, I see what you mean, and relate... blue eyes fading to grey - melancholy, sadness, dismal, lack of color/vibrancy/life, etc. This is what I felt when first I read it. Lost hopes, expectations, desires. Something, somewhere, in the heart of youth, longing to be... to be seen, heard (cries), felt, accepted... Dreams (of yours) yet unmet, longing to be realized. Like the young girl who wants to be a sailor but may not be allowed. Instead, she is criticized, told no.

I remember as a child watching the TV program, "Fame" (about a school of the Performing Arts). Oh, I wanted so much to be somebody!!! I would be so inspired, I would practically vibrate. All the hairs of my body would stand on end. I wanted to dance and sing and know and show the world (and me) that I was "alive" and "ajoy." On the surface of my life I (thought/believed, then) that I was just a nobody. But you know what?! I ain't seen the best of me yet!!! We ain't seen the best of us yet!!! I believe our inspirations/dreams/hopes are one of the ways our Soul/Self whispers its song to us. It was dreams of mine as a child such as this that gave me the sustenance needed to 'carry on' during those early years. And today, I believe, know...that the inspiration, all that vigor, all those dreams, hopes, and prayers that we have as children, are not lost. They are never lost! They only wait for us to go back for them, and the heart of the child they flowed through.

Thank you.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 44, USA

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