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Re: Amphitheatre and Machine Gun Toting Men

Because the three people in the dream so closely have characteristics similar to your siblings we can assume there are related to those actual people. In the dream you state 'they seem close'. This may suggest there are shared experiences with these persons.

Machine gun fire may suggest 'repeated' threats of danger of some type. A porch may represent your persona {being in the front of a house, or hidden aspects if in back of the house}. Being screened may suggest you are unconsciously 'screening' certain experiences in life that you are not willing or wanting to 'face'. Such 'hidden' things would frighten your conscious self, reminding you of actual frightening experiences early in life. In the dream it states aspects are hidden, and wounded/shot.

Next there is a need to confront these 'hidden' aspects, bring them out so you can become whole again {round/wholeness outdoor amphitheatre/bringing to conscious awareness}. The tree would symbolize personal growth, something that may have been thwarted because of early life experiences {We all have issues early in life that in some way affect personal growth}. Daytime may also indicate a need to bring such experiences to the light of day/consciousness.

The movie is most likely about you and your life {in the dream you are a part of the production crew}. The 'production' aspect may also be an indication of the 'product' that is who you are as an adult. The 'no one paying attention' may represent a need to pay more attention to these early life experiences so to understand better who you are and why you are that person {removing the 'screen' so things are clear to see and understand}.

The top of the amphitheatre may be the thinking aspect of who you are. The dozen men in black {black is a symbol for the unconscious, the men perhaps alluding to conflicts pertaining to masculine aspects}. These are frightening experiences but perhaps not so traumatic to be imminently dangerous {something that may cause a defining characteristic of persona but not so much a negative impact due to deep emotional abuse early in life}. The men leaving through a narrow pipe may be a suggestion of how you cope with these early life influences {in a short time you unconsciously resolve the issues by 'screening' them out}.

The end of dreams are always important. Midway between may suggest you are finally focusing on those unconscious aspects bringing them up to the subconscious level {when you analyze a dream you are in the process in bringing unconscious contents to consciousness}. The robe may indicate something hidden. Being white may be alluding to something that was innocent or pure in the beginning. If the purity of personal growth has been disrupted then there is a need to take measures, something that may require masculine aspects to succeed, and a need to peek underneath the outer shell of consciousness. To leave these things unseen is to push them even deeper into the dark unconscious. This is not something that happens all at once, it takes a 'series' of steps, a disciplined approach to realize what is underneath that has affected who you are as an adult.

My impressions of your dreams are they are dealing with personality issues. As stated previously we all have some type of issues that affect personal growth. Getting to the 'core' of those issues is what our dreams attempt to do so there can be a realization of the powerful affect of early life experiences on adult life. This seems to be what this dream is attempting to do. To understand the full scope of what are the issues will require more investigation of your dreams as well as a conscious look at your entire life, especially early life experiences that would affect later life. This is what Jung termed the Individuation Process, the self examination of ones life to determine what needs to be realized, and corrected, to become a whole person.

You have mentioned a 'void' of emotion concerning your bf. If indeed your dreams are focusing on such aspects they would be trying to get you to go to the origins of why there are such emotions as well as attempting to to help you realize there are these current emotions. The foundations of personality begin in the womb and the earliest experiences in life often become the ground of who you are as an adult {again see my post New Study-Our personalities may be set as early as 1st grade }.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 60 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Amphitheatre and Machine Gun Toting Men

Jerry, the screened porch was definitely at the back of the house and I agree that there is something in my early childhood that I do not remember or remember but don't know what to do with. Before the age of 5, I was sick a lot (ear aches, measles, etc) and spent most of my time at home with my mother while my sisters played down the street with another girl. When I was old enough for nursery school, I said I didn't want to go and mom said that was okay with her (my sisters had to go though). For the rest of my life I was not part of a group of friends and usually had one best friend at one time who I'd see once a week or so. Today, that person is my bf although I'd consider us incredibly close but not gf/bf. I feel conflicted re him b/c I trust him like no other man on earth and do feel love for him but logically, there are too many obstacles for the long distance relationship to last. Machine gun fire is a recurring item in my dreams, going back a long time. I am usually being hunted down and I'm hiding under bushes and feeling almost safe until one of the men discovers me and I wake up before getting killed. When the man peeks under my robe in this dream, he is looking at my genital area. There was an early childhood incident where my genital area was red and raw. Mom took me to a doctor who spread GenchaViolet (sp?), an antiseptic, over the area and it stung like fire (I had to be held down). I remember feeling guilty. I think I was masterbating and wasn't ever told it was a bad thing to do but after the doctor did what he did, I pretty much concluded it was wrong. It took me a very long time (30s) to be able to bring myself to orgasm and it's probably no wonder that orgasm with a man hasn't happened at all. The brain is so powerful for women in this area, in fact, it is the only organ really that makes everything else work. Let me know what else you find in the dream that might be enlightening to me and thank you. I'll now give thought to the "Old Town" dream.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 GA

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Re: Amphitheatre and Machine Gun Toting Men

I do appreciate your response and being open about your life since it does show the relationship of the unconscious dream to early life experiences. I base a lot of my thinking on such early life conflicts because I do believe those experiences, when left unresolved, have a lot of influence on our actions as adults. This is a personal experience in my life but also something that has been repeated time and time again in posted dreams and follow-up responses to my interpretations about such possibilities. Again, with your dream, such unresolved emotional conflicts are illustrated to be true.

Those childhood issues are probably the primary focus of your dreams. Those early life experiences that have formed who you are as an adult {IE, not part of a group of friends and usually had one best friend} are still an emotional issue that needs to sorted out. It is important to understand such early life experiences and the influences they have on later life {see my post New Study-Our personalities may be set as early as 1st grade because they can have unconscious control over the waking life as an adult. Left unresolved, as in your experiences of having just one friend in life, can present a dilemma that keeps you from enjoying a life of harmony.

There may also be real life waking emotional conflicts with the 'long distance' relationship with the 'boy friend'. If in childhood fears of losing friends because you are unable to 'get close' are real then those fears probably still remain and unconsciously they have a negative influence to how you look at life in the present day. Does this male friend look at the relationship in the same way or does he have deeper emotions toward you?

The machine gun fire could be the repeating 'emotional' reminders of those unresolved unconscious conflicts. Being hunted down is what needs to be done with these 'hidden' unconscious conflicts. You can no longer hide from them if you want to find balance and harmony in your life.

And there are probably deeper issues involved in these emotional conflicts. The guilt associated with the 'genital area was red and raw' may be more serious than you thought {"something in my early childhood that I do not remember or remember but don't know what to do with}". Was it an issue due to guilt of masturbating or something more you do not remember. The dream experience 'When the man peeks under my robe in this dream, he is looking at my genital area' could be the real life experience of the doctor's actions but could be something more sinister. Are there possibilities of that? The inability to bring yourself to orgasm may be related to masturbating guilt. But examine other possibilities just for the sake of knowing those. And could there be fears of getting closer to your boy friend related to this?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 60 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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