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The Natural Explanation of God

God. Who is he, what is he, is he even a he? For someone like myself who has given up on organized religion and replaced it with a spiritual concept that displaces dogma, yet excepts the icons as {Jesus, Buddha} examples to live a truly spiritual life, seeking answers is a constant quest in life. While I may have discovered new concepts that provide a truer balance and harmony in my life, most people have not. Why is it so many have the need to rely on faith as the truth while never being able to realize 'him' in this life except by faith alone? This video, several years old since it was made by the BBC, provides as good an explanation as I have found to explain God. As a person who believes nature holds all the answers to life, this concept of God On the Brain makes all the sense in the world. Below is the video as constructed as a web page for my website.

As a byline to neuropsychology providing answers to the existence of God, so too does it provide new info on the function of the brain and dreams. But we must not confuse the biology of dreams with the psychology of dreams. One is the physical structure of how we dream while the latter provides answers to why we dream.

The act of dreaming is physiological, the contents - images, anecdotes, activities, emotions, and thoughts - are psychological.... Archetypes are common psychic structures that parallel the common human physical structure.

And so is God.

The Natural Explanation of God

Rudi Affolter and Gwen Tighe have both experienced strong religious visions. He is an atheist; she a Christian. He thought he had died; she thought she had given birth to Jesus. Both have temporal lobe epilepsy. Like other forms of epilepsy, the condition causes fitting but it is also associated with religious hallucinations. Research into why people like Rudi and Gwen saw what they did has opened up a whole field of brain science: neurotheology. The connection between the temporal lobes of the brain and religious feeling has led one Canadian scientist to try stimulating them. (They are near your ears.) 80% of Dr Michael Persinger¹s experimental subjects report that an artificial magnetic field focused on those brain areas gives them a feeling of ©not being alone¹. Some of them describe it as a religious sensation. His work raises the prospect that we are programmed to believe in god, that faith is a mental ability humans have developed or been given. And temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) could help unlock the mystery.

God On The Brain

The God Experience Simulated Neurotheology

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Neuroscientist Michael Persinger uses helmet with solenoids to stimulate the brain with magnetic fields inducing a sense of presence of beings such as angels, demons, ghosts, and aliens. From the episode, "God on the Brain?", BBC Horizons.

"Feeling something beyond yourself, bigger in space and time, can be stimulated"....Dr Michael Persinger


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Re: The Natural Explanation of God

This amazing! yes, we are hardwire for religious experience; this is why religion is a scam. So who the heck programmed us? when we go to deep states of relaxation our body makes a hormone similar to valium, gives us a sense of peace. If we are praying, we may think that this is a gift from God, actually is given by the brain. This throws organized religion in the trash; however, the fundamentalists will label this as "herectic", diabolical and science and religion counterdict each other. But I think that science and religion dont counterdict each other, actually complements it. It needs to be interpreted in a more universal way. Thank you for your wisdom Jerry, Rosa

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Re: The Natural Explanation of God

I don't know how much you know about Jungian psyche so I will take some liberties and provide some info about the subject in case you do not.

About the Natural Explanation of God
I can say as much for your wisdom. To understand the biological aspects of the brain and not dismiss the psychological associations is hard for many to understand/except. I am constantly amazed how the new science of the 21st century verifies what Jung discovered almost 100 years ago. Being a student of the total psyche {those two terms together is a bit redundant} I believe it important to study all fields of science that relates to or can relate to the deeper aspects of being. Jung, a scientist, was said to believed in the mystical possibilities. I think his study and theory of the mystical was basically a recognition of the unknown possibilities within nature. In my thinking it has to be true in nature to be true. We are all a part of nature, not separate and to find the final answers we, in my humble opinion, can look to nature for illumination. I say illumination because often that 'seeing' is misinterpreted as fact when in fact it is metaphorical and not literal, as are most symbols in our dreams. It is a matter of interpretation. I once again quote my spiritual mentor Joseph Campbell in an attempt to explain> From The Power of Myth.

'God' is an ambiguous word in our language because it appears to refer to something that is known. But the transcendent is unknown and unknowable. . . We want to think about God. God is a thought. God is a name. God is an idea but its reference is to something that transcends thinking. The ultimate mystery of being is beyond all thought. As Kant said, the thing in itself is no thing. It transcends thingness, it goes past anything that could be thought. The best things can't be told because they transcend thought. The second best are misunderstood because those are the thoughts that are supposed to refer to that which can't be thought about. The third best are what we talk about. And myth is that field of reference to what is absolutely transcendent.

To realize and understand the above I believe is a 'break through' to gnosis. Inner knowledge involves a search of oneself, ones life, the deepest depths of the mind and soul. This is Jung's Individuation Process and for those who are capable {requires a lot of discipline} of this inner search will discover the ultimate truth to God. This is why it has been said most all of Jung's patients were able to find a spiritual identity, and many became Jungian psychologists.

I am not a psychologist, my discovery of Jung and Campbell came too late in life. But after nearly 20 years of study and traveling the 'hero journey' I too fit within those parameters. At least I think I can claims such a distinction. I am a JUNGIAN by 'God'.

As for the understanding of symbology within dreams there must be an understanding/study of mythology. The universal symbols we find in mythology are the archetypes of dreams. We all possess the ability to access these symbols because they are 'hardwired' into the primitive brain which still has 'space' within the modern brain. I often find it amusing for those who try to explain the 'alien' possibilities to the great pyramids of Ancient Egypt ans South America {The History Channel's Ancient Aliens}. These images are a part of our human psyche and often from dreams are replicated in the waking life experiences. These become the mythologies of a culture. As Joseph Campbell put it, 'dreams are personal myths, myths are universal dreams'. Although we have yet to fully understand how much of these 'spiritual' places came to be, how they were constructed, it is mt belief there very well could be a lost knowledge. Just as with the primitive senses that have been lost because we no longer need them to survive {intuition is one of this special knowledge}, other knowledge could have been lost. What was once know is no longer available. Or at least in a summary attempt to realize them. Intuitiveness can be enhanced, as it has been in my life. Working with dreams has greatly helped in the development of my intuitive skills. I owe much to my abilities of interpreting dreams to the intuitive aspects. I have gone from merely interpreting a symbol or dream to actually reading the dream in ways I once never could. Of course having the knowledge of Jungian psychology as the primary source of understanding dreams it is merely a need to 'practice' with dreams for a highly intuitive person to do what I am able to do. I possess nothing that special, I have merely tapped into those 'special' abilities all humans possess. It has been there all the time and awakening to them has brought true meaning to my life.

Side Note. 'Google' the phrase 'dreams are personal myths, myths are universal dreams' and see what listings come up. Myths-Dreams-Symbols

As much as I love working with dreams, I am fortunate of having been able to develop the skills to design websites that tend to do well.

Dreams are fascinating. Whether it be a simple dream one seeks to understand just to understand it, or a path that can help with the inner search, dreams have meaning. And if used in that inner search they can help with 'finding meaning' in the individual life. Again, a Joseph Campbell quote:
The Meaning of Life - - "People say that what we're all seeking is a meaning for life. I think that what we're seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances within our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive."

Amen and amen.


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Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 61 Murfreesboro, Tn

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Re: The Natural Explanation of God

thank you for all your insight. I think I have to read Jung, I never did and I might explore Joseph Campbell as well. Thanks again, Rosa

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 46- Greenfield, MA

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