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Re: Deception

I will looking for patterns here since the dream{s} is presented in the form you wrote it. In particular I will be looking in the symbols the emotional patterns that are a reflection of you and your life, past and present {which if lessons are learned and experiences utilized properly may tell you something about your future}.

The form in which you wrote the dream is a bit different from most posts. Dream are narratives, best provided as they unfold into actions, people and things, with the symbols often being metaphorical that refers to aspects of one or more of these 'aspects currently important to your life'. The dialog of part of a dream will usually point to an emotional conflict in the psyche. The dream then usually unfolds in a style that will attempt to communicate in 'dream language'* an emotional event/experience that is seeking/needing attention, one that holds enough 'psychic**' energy that it left/had/ or is having an influence on your being, especially the emotional life {of course the whole life is psychological since everything in your life becomes a psyche event}.
Think of the dream as your life on stage, you being the actors as well as the audience. And in many instances you will be the stage hand, the yuppie in the front row, the usher trying to put things in order. It is a puzzle from the unconscious that exposes/mirrors 'truths' about you and your life.

*symbol and metaphor
**an actuating force or factor

Chinese vase - old & valuable, told by a female expert. This is some part of you that is valuable to your soul, the vase, the oriental and female, all associated with the feminine aspect anima.

The airplane may represent everyday routine and stresses. You are the consumer which under 'systematic examination', an inner inspection and possibly from the outer social world. This paragraph me be speaking to your are seeking your true identity in the world as a whole.

A thief - Seeking truths about who you are, a search. There is an 'inner knowledge' of self but perhaps not an outer, or if known not accepted. Looking inward, at your true self, you can recognize some parts, the ego persona in need to recognize/accept/bring out those aspects that have been/are hidden. This is not a deep unconscious aspect, you most likely consciously know of this inner aspect. In doing this you are robbing yourself of something important.

Driving cars - The car is you. You are seeking to be in a better position, emotionally and perhaps socially/personally. Different cars, different colors, inner and outer. Seeking not to get emotionally 'scrapped', looking for an exit {inner aspects needing let out, outer aspects that seek a quick way out}. Older is wiser, past affecting/reflecting immediate experiences.

On a bus - The bus is the whole self, inner qualities as well as persona/personality, outer life. If you are questions to sexual orientation {oriental/female} then this part of the dream is likely addressing experiences to do with those aspects.
If not then there are 'inner' aspects in conflict that need revealing, acceptance.
I sense a bit of both.

My sense is you are dealing with, or need to deal with inner aspects that need to be reflected in the outer persona/person. Inner aspects being the true identity. There is a search but my impressions are these are of decisions about revealing who you really are to the outer world. If not about sexual orientation then some other aspect that is in conflict, and is revealing of your true self/identity.
It could have to do with mid-life changes, not being the same person {homos}, but changing into something different {heteros}. Searching for that true self in a time of mid-life changes is a common deed at your age.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 61 Murfreesboro, Tn. USA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Deception - follow up

Thanks Jerry for your time and energy.
As I have 3 part time jobs now that is prob.some of my stuff in the dream. One job is a 32 year labor of love, Music, the other is my plan B, Massage, and the last is a door to door sales thing. So yes these are probably inspiring some of these weird dreams. The door to door thing is a bit tuff in that it is in very nice neighborhoods with Very Expensive homes, and 60% of the home owners are younger than me! As for massage most of my clients are men. And for the Music,, you've not heard any of my songs on the radio, yet. Anywho,, I don't know if this is the 'right' way to respond to your interpretation, if not please advise. Thanks Very Much. Bill

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 49 Columbus OH

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: Deception - follow up

Your response is well done. There was nothing wrong with the way you posted your dream, it was different that how most are presented. The symbols usually 'betray' what the dream is trying to communicate no matter how it is penned. Let's see how your response matches to my interpretation.

From your response I think we can interpret the vase as your 'your 32 year love affair with music'.
'some part of you that is valuable to your soul', the muse, the 'feminine aspects' of the psyche. If we consult the Dream Dictionary we get a definition of the 'a vase as a gift, the attainment of your heart's desires'. The 'gift' in life that we possess that fulfills our soul's desire is the creative self. The creative aspect would be considered a feminine quality {as opposed to unimaginative, a masculine quality}.

We could probably apply the 'massage' therapy you practice as a feminine aspect. Most people I know of who 'practice' this form of therapy do so out of a desire for it, at least as a way to make a living. Most enjoy what they do. Having to 'park' yourself and the race to 'get out' of the parking lots may apply to the inner soul's desire to spend full time with the 'vase', your creative self. Parking lots, rushing to and fro, the matchbox cars, these sound like aspects of the social obligations in life. The white cars, purity of the soul, the muse, is the prominent desire in your life.

Opposite the feminine is the masculine. Most men you provide massages are men. Different shapes and colors. The dream seems to be addressing the different aspects of your life, the general conditions in your life and the search for the true identity.

Your true self is creative. Again, it is the gift, and if it is realized {too few ever realize this aspect let alone utilize it} it can bring about 'bliss', harmony and balance in life {Joseph Campbell 'Follow your bliss}.

We know the 'soul's desire' in your life. So what are the conflicts? This is what the dream is attempting to help you resolve. Likely it has to do with obligations to other aspects in your life that keep you away from your music. Or other barriers that prevent you from attaining that 'muse' position in your life. Is it social obligations, emotional conflicts, a mixture of both that are responsible for not being in that 'perfect place' of bliss you seek.

Sounds much like my situation where I know what I want and I am workin to get there {working with dreams/Myths-Dreams-Symbols web site} but still having to feed the dragon {full time responsibilities with the family business, until I take early retirement}. Getting to that position of 'pure bliss' is having to slay those dragons that block the path.

What are your dragons? Social duty, as I have, or are there emotional aspects that prevail in your life? From your dream my sense is it is the social aspects.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 61 Murfreesboro, Tn. USA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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