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Lesbian Wedding


I dreamt that I was getting ready for my wedding but I was marrying a lesbian. I wanted to finish my hair so I left and hid in the hotel until I was ready but by that stage by female fiance knew that I wouldnt go through with the wedding.

My current husband was in the dream and he was asking me if I really wanted to do this and I secretly planned in my dream that I would stand her up.

When I finished my hair Gordan Ramsey was going crazy at me ( like he does in his TV shows ) that I was late and now the wedding is off.

Everyone in the dream decided to stay for the reception and eat the food, I felt so bad for my lesbian fiance but I couldnt bring myself to be that way inclined.

I was wearing a beautiful white wedding dress but when my fiance found out I stood her up I covered the top with a black shirt as I was embaressed.

I cant stop thinking about her all day and would love some insight into what this dream means?

thanks for reading!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 34 Melbourbe Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Lesbian Wedding

Likely the dream is addressing issues of accepting aspects of yourself {Dreaming that you are a lesbian but are not in your waking life often symbolizes a union or acceptance with aspects of yourself}. Marrying someone, either male or female, would also represent a union of such aspects {marrying a male may suggest a union of opposites}. What issues, feminine aspects, are you refusing to accept? Since dreams are about the emotions you may want to look at the emotional aspect of your psyche. Self acceptance of personal traits may be involved. There may be issues of self-love, self-worth, and passion. Also consider being at ease with your sexuality and femininity.

You may also want to look back at recent experiences that may fit with the acceptance of feminine aspects. Give it some thought and post a response to my interpretation. That may provide clues to the possibilities.


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Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 61 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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