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I recently have experienced multiple visions induced by a sage called Salvia. The visions i had are as followed.

1) A purple snake slithers toward me And i watch from the third person as it swallows me. Once consumed i am back into the first person and run through the snakes insides. I run out of the end of it and arive back into my bedroom.

2)All is dark and out of the ground snakes apear through a hole, a cross rises out of the hole and the snakes slither all over it. I am thrust into a different reality and a being with beard, long hair, pointed ears and deer antlers growing from his head tells me to grow antlers like him. I concentrate and grow a smail pair.

3)I apear before a group of oldmen in robes sitting. They bring forth a young buck and tell me to grasp his horns. I take hold of the horns and they telll me that if i am ever to find myself i must break open the skull of the deer. I begin pulling the horns apart, i feel them breaking. I come back into reality and a have an actual deer skull in my hand and i rip it inhalf with my hands.

4)I have a vision and i encounter Rama from the hindu religion. The dun is shining behing him, then i am thrust into the sun and a being exists in the center and i watch him/her and can only see its silhouette but i can feel its intensity

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18 Delhi

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Re: Salvia

Are these visions or dreams? If visions what type? Waking visions, day dreams?
Are you going through some type of major changes in your life? Are you a native of India? If so are you Hindu or Buddhist? Are you aware of the symbolic nature of snakes as being symbols of transformations?

I primarily work with dreams. But manifestations of visions are possible in certain waking states. Determining where you are in your life may help in understanding these 'visions'.


Myths-Dreams-Symbols is Sponsored by:
Gifford Fence-Middle Tennessee    &     Gifford Fence Orlando
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 61 Murfreesboro, Tn

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Re: Salvia

These are visions induced by smoking or brewing a tea from a leaf called Salvia. Historicly Salvia was used by the shamans and sages of central and south america. I used this several times this week, it is very very dream like. You start to feel the efects on your body and then it just takes your mind into another place, into your unconscious. I am from a smalltown in Newyork I have no religious afiliation, but i am the son of a Pastor. I started useing this substance Salvia for recreation, but after useing several times i reconized abd senced some sort of greater value and purpose to it. I recently returned from a 6 monthtrip into west africa andi would describe myself as being very displaced i started useing this substance in hopes to decepher the symbols and learn more about my self and the direction i must go. Any comments or thoughts you have on this matter i would greatly appreciate.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18 Delhi

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Re: Salvia

hey Jo, I smoked salvia a few times a couple years ago. For some reason I only felt a wonderful physical sensation, but my friend was taken completely by it as most are so far as I can tell from watching salvia youtube clips. It is a compelling experience, no doubt a clean break from the banality of the all to well ordered world. I couldn't help notice a lagging headache that went with it though. As far as I can tell your snakes are simply a great image of the life force. They are possibly associated with powerful instinctual forces that are always tripping the development of the soul, or compensating for its artificial inflatioin. As jung said, frued presented the unconscious to the world as nothing but refuse and slag. and it seems that's what the first many layers of the unconscious are. the upheaval of personal sexuality and power, just a spectacle to the modern conscience. modern man now reckons with those horns inside himself instead of finding a devilish scapegoat. and then there is the spiritual instinct. I didn't know anything, so I read Jung.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 34 Missoula MT

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Re: Salvia

Transformations of a different kind. When you mentioned sage in your original post I assumed it was also the sage of a different kind, a wise mentor. Of course as the old saying goes, when one assumes one makes an ass of you and me {ass u me}.

I have no experience with this hallucinate so I can't speak to its affect. From what you state about its affects and from what Sam says of his experience, it sounds much like the effects a person gets from a first experience smoking pot {something a great many baby boomers have lots of experience}. In Sam's case it sounds something like smoking some really bad weed, the prolonged headaches. In either case there is an alteration of the mental senses {much like marijuana} which is caused by chemical changes within the brain. Experimenting with drugs {mine was limited to pot so I can only speak to that} often depends on the individual. But your experience probably follows the path of known symptoms so you may learn more by asking others who have used the drug.

As for the images that you witnessed while under the influence, a good possibility the chemical changes caused the brain to tap into a region where 'archetypal' images are stored. Science has provided insights to how the brain functions and what areas of the brain certain experiences stem from. We now know that the region of the brain that stimulates dreams is the same region where emotions are formed. Depending on personal experience, the path your life is taking, the reaction on the brain could cause experiences, and images, that fit with your deepest being. Being in India, your experiences would undoubtedly have contact with snakes since in their culture the snake is such a revered animal. Old men in robes would be another common experience and those impressions would also be common images that could come about in dreams. Whereas 'dream' images would, in one sense, have associations to a person's waking life, an altered sense of waking images may tap into much the same associations but with the 'distorted' senses having some relationship to the waking life and others more of an induced euphoria caused by the drug. In other words, whatever is going on in your life gets a deeper focus when you dream because those are the 'unconscious controlling agents of who you really. But what would otherwise, at least in dreams, would be expressions of your true self, could have been altered by the drug. Pot usually causes a sense of euphoria, a over excited condition, and your salva may be doing the same. In one sense the vision images, like dream images, are addressing issues of your true self but at the same time they are distorted by the drug.

But that doesn't dispel the possible links to your true self {the primary focus of our dreams}. Being in a distant land and culture, and being the son of a pastor {which would have associations to Christianity} your experiences are most likely very transforming. The impressions of the waking life are often the stimulus for our dreams and the same can be said of 'vision's. These current day experiences will leave an imprintation on your psyche for years to come {if not the rest of your life}. Later life choices will may be greatly influenced by these present day experiences {beyond the drug use}. Whether they are positive or negative depends on the path you choose. I can say any prolonged drug use beyond recreational use will be negative. Reality is being in the moment and escapism is often the result of prolonged drug use. Experimenting is one thing, prolonged use of drugs is not the path you want to take. Altered reality is already a state of mind most humans are living and we can see by the conditions of the world what that has brought about.

To get a better understanding of dream images I suggest you explore the pages at Myths-Dreams-Symbols. You will likely begin to see how your vision images are in many ways like dream images, expressions of the deeper self. No matter the stimulus, drug or natural, the brain has a function where it can go deep into the unconscious and bring up associations {in symbolic images} to your true self. Discovering that true self is the ultimate hero adventure. Not many people take choose that path, they instead live life controlled by materialism and ego induced fantasy.


Myths-Dreams-Symbols is Sponsored by:
Gifford Fence-Middle Tennessee    &     Gifford Fence Orlando
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 61 Murfreesboro, Tn

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Re: Salvia

Well i thank you both for your inputs and insights. I do not plan on useing this drug for a long time. In my last vision where i was thrust into the sun and met with a figure it told me to get rid of the salvia i still posessed and so i sprinkled it into the river. As for further investigating these visions i am meeting on wedsday with a former teacher of mine. He was my English and liturature teacher but i also took a mythology course with him that was excellent and mind changing. He posses some knowlege of both Jung and Freud. In fact it was he who recomendend me to this site. Ive had many conversacions with him about my dreams and his dreams, he is one of the few people who has actualy read my dream journals. I will keep you posted on my interactions with him.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18 Delhi

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Re: Salvia

If you want to look within your deepest unconscious then you should post a recent dream or one you consider to be important. I can better help you if you post a dream since that is my area of 'expertise'. Certain waking visions can produce images that have associations with the deeper psyche but being drug induced may had an unwanted affect, was it the drug or actual unconscious associations {as with dreams} that are forging the images. Dreams have a language of symbol and metaphor, are therapeutic and attempt to help resolve emotional conflicts as well as point to aspects of yourself that need further waking examination. Your vision did contain several symbols that could be pointing to important transformations within you and/or your life. If your vision was like dream like, true messages from the unconscious and were not influenced by the drug intake then actual dreams will also reveal these important aspects.


Myths-Dreams-Symbols is Sponsored by:
Gifford Fence-Middle Tennessee    &     Gifford Fence Orlando
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 61 Murfreesboro, Tn

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