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A shooting and being unable to help

I was going with a small group of people to a house I've never been to before in a dismal-looking neighborhood. It was a depressing place, and we were there to help a family evict a man with mental issues. All of these people were strangers to me, but I seemed to be working as an observer with the group I came with. The man we were evicting was oppressing and being abusive towards the others in the house, and I felt a deep sense of relief that I didn't have to live there and deal with him.

A little later in the dream, I was waiting in the living room of the house (which was small and somewhat empty) looking out a large window onto the neighborhood. There were lots of people outside engaged in regular neighborhood activities. Just outside the window, on the sidewalk, a very formal-looking couple in their 30's walks up. They are dressed nicely, wearing dark clothing, and walking side by side. At the moment they appear, directly coming towards them, a younger man who seems to be a criminal faces them and both sides stare at each other. Suddenly, both of the men pull out guns and shoot each other at the same time. I duck out of the way behind the kitchen counter. Only one shot from each is fired. When it seems to be quiet again, I carefully move towards the window. I see the younger man running off and the couple lying flat on the ground. My first thought is to call for an ambulance, but there are still so many people outside that I figure someone else must have called for one already. However, I think about it and decide it wouldn't hurt to call anyway. The 911 operator is not helpful, I have trouble explaining myself and get the feeling that he doesn't believe me. He sounds kind of sarcastic and I hang up. Still, I'm not worried because I think that so many others would have called for help anyway. I wait around inside until I realize that an hour has passed and no ambulance has come. At this point, I notice that everyone inside the house is gone and so are all the people who were outside. I immediately call 911 again. I explain what's happened and they say they'll send an ambulance right away. I try to give them the address but I don't know it; I start reading from a scrap of paper I found in the house, but it's coming out wrong - the address keeps changing on the paper and I'm not seeing or saying it right. It's extremely frustrating. I hang up in despair and go outside. The couple has been lying there immobile. As I come towards them, the man suddenly gets up - he has not been shot. I notice he has blood on his hands and a very sour, dim, mechanical expression on his face, as though he is not even human. He stumbles off down the road. I say "hey!" to him, but he just moves off robotically. The woman is lying there in a pool of blood, dying. She has an agonized expression on her face and she is bleeding profusely from the gunshot wound in her stomach. I see this and realize that an ambulance will not come and nobody, not the neighbors nor the woman's husband, cares.

Thanks very much for any help in understanding this!~

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 24, California

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: A shooting and being unable to help

It will likely be Friday morning before I will be able to give full attention to your dream. But let me provide some food for thought.

The dismal-looking neighborhood in your dream, could that represent a part of your life, the neighborhood being your life?

The man being evicted would be about masculine aspects in your life that have been evicted. Such masculine qualities, if absent, would cause an imbalance in abilities to control your life. It could also point to an actual male person who has been or needs to be 'evicted' from your unconscious. Is there a man in your 'neighborhood' that could be the cause of any depression in your life? You no longer live with this person but the past experiences still live within you.

Does any of the above apply to you?

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Gifford Fence Orlando/Gifford Fence Melbourne
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Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 61 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: A shooting and being unable to help

Thinking about it, I can see where the neighborhood is associated with things in my life that I also have a dismal outlook on, since in the dream it felt like a depressing and hopeless place. I have been dealing with depression for a lot of years and this is mostly related to feelings of lack of self-worth, with a pessimistic outlook on what I'm capable of achieving in life. There's a very strong inner criticism that's always present in my thoughts, and I see and feel this holding me back in a lot of ways. It's been especially difficult for me to make any progress as far as my career ambitions go.

The man being evicted could relate to my drive and confidence, which are definitely lacking. More likely though, he's related to a figure that appears in a lot of my dreams, and who is sort of a combination of my father and both my past step-fathers. All these figures have evoked the same feelings of oppression and anxiety in me that I felt in this dream (and in other dreams), seeing the man in a family setting. I no longer have to deal with them on a daily basis, but every now and then something will trigger that same horrible dread feeling in me.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 24, California

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

Re: A shooting and being unable to help

The best analysis you can receive is from yourself. At the Dream Forum the only things I know about the dreamer is their sex and age. Responses from the dreamer are essential. When there is a back and forth discussion of the dream and the dreamer's life things fall into place much faster. That is the great thing about posting a dream and the responses. We can learn so much about the dreamer's life from the dream. But we also learn that a proper interpretation, using Jungian psyche, is possible.

From your response I can see you get the jest of the dream and its meaning. Your ability to apply the dream images to your waking life makes easy for a proper interpretation. Dreams are reflections of the dreamer's like, both conscious and unconscious. What is known is refreshed. What is unknown is revealed. Revealing those unknown aspects provides insights to the emotions that are in conflict and need resolution. We go through life conscious of what is happening on the outside but unconscious of what is going on in the inside, emotionally. Dreams are therapeutic, their intent is to 'show' the dreamer those aspects of the life that are in conflict or/and are out of balance. Dreams attempt to help balance the life by resolving emotional conflicts. What ever is out-of-balance, in emotional conflict will appear in our dreams at night. Nature's way of helping the emotional self just as the body has the immune system.

"The woman is lying there in a pool of blood, dying." Symbolically the blood would be your emotional energy. Te beginning of the dream sets the stage for the emotional conflict that is the central theme. In your opening statement there is the scene about not having to live there and deal with 'him'. That is likely a truth in your waking life. But emotionally you are still having to deal with the experiences. There are still emotional wounds. Realizing the only person who can help in this aspect is yourself {and counseling if you choose that route}. The main thing is you do understand the inner wounds are there and need healing. Working toward those ends are what is important. How you do it is a choice to be made.

Because you do have a good grasp of the dream symbolism and how it applies to your life you may want to read more about Jung's Individuation Process, a self help program. It is how I got past the barriers in my life and if I can do it just about anyone can. If they apply them selves and are serious about wanting to find a healing of their emotional wounds.


Myths-Dreams-Symbols is Sponsored by:
Gifford Fence-Middle Tennessee
Nashville/Murfreesboro/Brentwood/ Franklin/ Lebanon/Hendersonville/Mt. Juliet/Springhill
Gifford Fence Orlando/Gifford Fence Melbourne
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics/Dream Interpretation Space Coast

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 61 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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