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Pregnant cow.

I have a cow and she is very pregnant. I remember listening to her swollen belly as she lays on her back like a human with a stethoscope.I decide to sleep with her on the straw and am so very very tired. Of course I am naked and worry at one point of whether my cow is going to poop in the straw, but as it turns out I sleep as well as I have in a very long time. I sleep all night until my husband wakes me in the morning. I just remember feeling comfortable and rested, and very excited that she is going to have a baby....

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 49

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Pregnant cow.

This cow is likely symbolic of an emotional aspect in your life that is on the verge of producing new experiences {probably negative}. The cow is you. The pregnancy is something new that is waiting to be born.
The swollen belly may indicate that your are processing your ideas and feelings about this emotional aspect from the unconscious to the conscious level {dreams are a venue for such a transfer}. Being naked may indicate a need to expose these inner emotions so you can process them consciously. Not to do will be like 'pooping' in the bed in which you lay. If and when you do begin to listen to these inner emotions you will be able to rest. This will make you stronger {a masculine aspect-husband}.

What in your emotional life is it you are trying most to process? The dream seems to indicate you have finally taken a step to do what is necessary to get this out and face the emotional 'crap' that will come with it. Only when you finally do face these emotional trials will you be able to rest.


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Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Murfreesboro , Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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